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  4. Резюме Strong Middle Android developer в Києві
  5. Strong Middle Android developer
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Professional resumeПрофесійне резюме, в якому вказані: ел.пошта, телефон, зарплатня, досвід роботи, освіта та інша важлива інформаціяStrong Middle Android developer

63 000 грн.
  3 вересня 2019  Місто: Київ
Вік:33 роки
Режим роботи:повний робочий день
Рубрики: IT, WEB фахівці; Офісний персонал
Готовий до відряджень

Досвід роботи

Middle Android developer
Evogence evogence_com (Информационные технологии и услуги), Київ
05.2016 − 10.2016 (5 місяців)

Worked on applications for displaying advertising posters, working with queues and events, cloud file storage, android remote control. Had to subordinate to a junior developer, took pull requests and code review, gained experience managing a remote team. Integrated a custom element of outputting user events, SSH server and client for remote support of an application with root rights, changed work with a server to Retrofit2. Introduced a kiosk mode in an application for locking function keys, worked with different types of lists and a library for displaying graphs and charts.

 Є рекомендації з даного місця роботи
Strong Middle Android developer
Nullgravity nullgr_com (Информационные технологии и услуги), Київ
01.2016 − 11.2018 (2 роки 10 місяців)

Worked on Leroy Merlin online store applications and a photo session at events, also was involved in Scrum methodology, conducted demo presentations and explained functionality to customers. Integrated architectural approaches MVP, VIPER and Clean Architecture, analytics Firebase, Amplitude, support for iBeacon. Had analyzed the functionality of similar applications, customer reviews and improved product respectively. Converted Java to Kotlin and wrote new functionality with it. Tested applications using Mockito, Espresso. Participated in the design and editing parts. Wrote technical specifications and documentation for released products.

 Є рекомендації з даного місця роботи
Android developer
Miracor miracor_com_ua (Информационные технологии и услуги), Київ
03.2015 − 05.2016 (1 рік 2 місяці)

Worked on PayBeam applications for a contactless payment system used Bluetooth technology using NFC, a QR code and Jice for secure instant messaging without using a server using TOR, Stun, Turn, ICE, webRTC. Integrated a custom element of a merry-go-round of cards with zoom animation, stored data using Dbflow, worked with a Git version control system, used web sockets and AudioRecord, MediaRecorder for data transfer. Understood with NDK to run webRTC. Managed tasks using Jira. Was involved in the process of designing applications and creating designs in the Material Design style for them.

Junior Android and Java developer
It-Bricks it-bricks_com (Информационные технологии и услуги), Київ
09.2012 − 03.2015 (2 роки 5 місяців)

Worked on multi-threaded server applications for processing cash transactions and card tokenizations with Chase Paymentech, Moneris Solutions, eSelectplus, LiqPay, YESPay, Caledon, sending email and sms with Mail Chimp, Smsc, image editing using PNGJ, server load testing. Created mobile applications for purchases with credit cards, coupons, loyalties using Base64, AES, MD5, PKCS12, DES. Developed a tablet app for handling and viewing purchases. Invented and introduced new functions, fixed bugs and adapted an interface for all screen sizes and orientations. Also worked with a network, camera, NFC, maps, push notification, cached and downloaded images. Integrated login with Facebook, Twitter, Vkontakte and others.


The East Ukrainian National University of V.Dahl. (Луганськ)
The East Ukrainian National University of V.Dahl. Department of mathematics and computer science. Specialty: «Social computer science». Specialist degree: master.
повна вища, 09.2011 − 06.2012 (9 місяців)
The East Ukrainian National University of V.Dahl. (Луганськ)
Department of mathematics and computer science. Specialty: «Computer science». Specialist degree: expert.
повна вища, 09.2007 − 06.2012 (4 роки 9 місяців)

Додаткова освіта

 The certificate was issued at the end of the advanced level of instruction six semesters (252 hours) of American English Center's ENGLISH LANGUAGE COURSE №016808 Kyiv, Ukraine March 7, 2019.

Знання мов:

Англійська - Вище середнього, Російська - Професійний (експерт), Українська - Професійний (експерт)

Додаткова інформація

Знання комп'ютера, програм:  • Java (8), Android (6), Kotlin (1-), C-languages (C++, C#, C), PHP, JavaScript, SQL, JSON, HTML • REST, GCM, NFS, BLE, NDK, SSH, Zxing, Material Design, Google Maps, сamera, kiosk mode, java web socket • SQLite, ORMLite, Dbflow, MySQL, MS SQL, Firebird, Oracle • Git, SVN, SourceTree, BitBucket, TortoiseGit, TortoiseSvn • Android Studio, Intellij IDEA, Netbeans, Eclipse, Visual Studio • Jira, Asana, Producteev, Atlassian, Confluence, Jenkins, Charles, Gimp, HipChat, Slack • Scrum, Agile • Google Analytics, Amplitude, Firebase • Mockito, Espresso • Dagger2, Retrofit2, OkHttp3, EventBus, ButterKnife, Estimote, Picasa, Glide • Supporting apps and fixing bugs, LeakCanary, Сrashlytics, Fabric, ACRA • Algorithms and data structures, GOF design patterns, OOP, concurrency and parallelism • MVC, MVP, VIPER, Clean Architecture • Optimizing UI and adapting it for all screen sizes and orientations • Experience in publishing apps in the Google Play Store
Особисті якості, хобі, захоплення, навички: ☻ Profile Creative candidate with several years of experience as an android developer in Ukrainian and international companies. Competitive and try-hard, ability to communicate proficiently, quickly adapts to a team and to any kind of management, easy-trained, technically savvy. Uses a creative approach to solving problems, can analyze and think logically, self-organized and purposeful. Genuinely strives to help colleagues to improve their skills and produce a high-quality, popular and easy-to-use product. ✔ References Andrew Sergeta was a tech and team lead from Miracor and Nullgravity tel: 0633660907 skype: andreyasm. ✿ Conferences GDG DevFest Ukraine 2018. ❤ Hobbies Skateboarding, snowboarding, surfing, ping-pong, drumming, sport, music, films, reading, photographing, painting, hand-made, exhibitions, travelling.

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