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Начальник отдела инженер-технолог специалист в сталеплавильном производстве

28 000 грн.
 10 мая 2018  Город: Днепр
Возраст:37 лет
Режим работы:полный рабочий день
Рубрики: Производство; Руководство; Работа за рубежом
Готов к командировкам

Опыт работы

Инженер-технолог по сталеплавильному производству Process engineer in steel production
07.2008 − 07.2018 (10 лет 1 месяц)
Ниже приводится краткое описание обязанностей: - разрабатывать новые виды продуктов и подготавливать рекомендации по выбору материала на основе таких целей проектирования, как прочность, твердость, прокаливаемость и стоимость. - контролировать работу технологического персонала и показатели качества продукции. - анализ данных о браке продукта и результатов лабораторных испытаний, чтобы определить причины проблемы и разработать решения. - планировать, разрабатывать и внедрять технологические процедуры изготовления материалов, которые соответствуют требованиям спецификации клиентов и стандартов производительности. - при необходимости консультироватся с другими инженерами и корпоративными руководителями. - оценка технических характеристик и экономических факторов, связанных с целями продукта. - определение подходящих методов для плавки стали и выбора шихтовых и добавочных материалов. - контролировать процессы производства и тестирования в промышленных условиях. - мониторинг и анализ данных из процессов и экспериментов. - устранение проблем с химическим анализом в процессах производства стали. - собирать и анализировать данные для оценки качества продукции . - проводить анализ результатов контроля качества и обеспечить обратную связь с производством или персоналом. - прекратить производство, если имеются серьезные дефекты продукта. - мониторинг производительности систем контроля качества для обеспечения эффективности. - сообщать информацию о контроле качества всем соответствующим организационным подразделениям, внешним поставщикам или подрядчикам. - консультируюсь с отделами маркетинга и продаж, чтобы определить требования и ожидания клиентов. - координировать выбор и внедрение оборудования контроля качества, например контрольно-измерительных приборов. - контролировать разработку новых продуктов для выявления возможных проблем для массового производства. Оценка технологичности для новых заказов, расчет конкретных норм расходов для производства различных марок стали, работаю с службами продаж и закупок. Составление технологических документов, инструкций для производства различных марок стали и другое. Тестирование различных материалов в процессе производства стали, оценка их применимости для производства, подготовка технических отчетов. Участие в переговорах с клиентами, конференций, рабочие встречи. Обеспечение стабильного низкого уровня забракования продукции. Brief introduction for my job title is suggested below in the description: - Review new product plans and make recommendations for material selection, based on design objectives such as strength, hardness, hardenability, and cost. - Control the work of technological personnel and quality indicators of products. - Analyze product failure data and laboratory test results to determine causes of problems and develop solutions. - Plan and implement laboratory operations to develop material and fabrication procedures that meet cost, product specification, and performance standards. - сonsulting with other engineers and corporate executives as necessary. -Evaluate technical specifications and economic factors relating to product objectives. - Determine appropriate methods for steel melting and joining materials. - Supervise production and testing processes in industrial settings. - Monitor and analyze data from processes and experiments. - Troubleshoot problems with chemical analysis in steel making processes. - Collect and analyze production samples to evaluate quality. - Analyze quality control test results and provide feedback and interpretation to production management or staff. - Stop production if serious product defects are present. - Monitor performance of quality control systems to ensure effectiveness and efficiency. - Communicate quality control information to all relevant organizational departments, outside vendors, or contractors. - Confer with marketing and sales departments to define client requirements and expectations. - Coordinate the selection and implementation of quality control equipment, such as inspection gauges. - Monitor development of new products to help identify possible problems for mass production. Estimation of manufacturability for new orders, calculation of specific norms of charges for the production of different steel grades, work with services of sales and purchases. Drafting of technological documents, instructions for the production of different brands became and other. Testing of different materials in the process of steelmaking, estimation of their applicability for a production, preparation of technical reports. Participating in negotiations with clients, conferences, conferences. Prosecution of reclamations or claims from clients. Providing of stable low level for the rejections of products.


Национальная Металлургическая Академия Украины National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine - Dnepr
Черная металлургия, металлургия стали MA in Metallurgy of steel
полное высшее, 09.2003 − 06.2008 (4 года 9 месяцев)

Знание языков:

Русский - Профессиональный (эксперт), Украинский - Профессиональный (эксперт), Английский - Начальный

Дополнительная информация

Личные качества, хобби, увлечения, навыки: Знание: Microsoft Office, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, IBM Notes У меня есть опыт работы с проектной документацией при строительстве и монтаже сталеплавильного завода в предпусковой период. Я также участвовал в вводе в эксплуатацию нового завода, т. е. вместе с специалистами компании Danieli, запускали завод: обработал пусковую плавку на "ковше-печи", как оператор установки. Кроме того, следует отметить, что в период до запуска завода, я был вовлечен в подбор персонала для работы на шихтовом дворе и складе ферросплавов. В течение некоторого времени я вел график по приобретении подвижного железнодорожного транспорта для целей завода, который еще не был построен. У меня есть опыт работы с графиком платежей по проектам. I have experience with project documentation during the construction and installation of a steel plant. I also participated in the commissioning period of the new plant, ie, together with Danieli specialists, started the plant. I processed the first heat at the installation ladle refining furnace, as the operator of the installation. Also, it should be noted that during the pre-launch period I was involved to the selection of personnel for work at the scrap yard ( preparation of scrap) and stock for ferroalloys. During some time I supervised a question on acquisition of movable railway transport for the aims of plant that was yet built. I have an experience at reading and changing with the chart of payments for agreements. I received a certificate of conformity in the office of the company Danieli at the pre-launch period - "Diploma Theoretical and practical training on EAF+LF/VD operation and metallurgy at Danieli" Training Center and ABS, Italy September 2011

Work Experience

Process engineer in steel production

LLC "Metallurgical Plant "DNIPROSTAL", INTERPIPE - Dnepr

July 2008 to Present

INTERPIPE is the international apeak-integrated pipe-wheeled company that is included in ten of the largest in the

world producers of seamless pipes.

LLC "Metallurgical Plant "DNIPROSTAL" is the first metallurgical plant, built from scratch in Ukraine over the years

of independence. Total volume of investment - $700 million. INTERPIPE STEEL has been designed and built to

provide the Company's only wheel or pipe as well production with its own steel billets. The mill combines innovative

steel-melting technologies, a new approach to the production culture, and contemporary art installations by Olafur


Brief introduction for my job title is suggested below in the description:

- Review new product plans and make recommendations for material selection, based on design objectives such as

strength, hardness, hardenability, and cost.

- Control the work of technological personnel and quality indicators of products.

- Analyze product failure data and laboratory test results to determine causes of problems and develop solutions.

- Plan and implement laboratory operations to develop material and fabrication procedures that meet cost, product

specification, and performance standards.

- сonsulting with other engineers and corporate executives as necessary.

-Evaluate technical specifications and economic factors relating to product objectives.

- Determine appropriate methods for steel melting and joining materials.

- Supervise production and testing processes in industrial settings.

- Monitor and analyze data from processes and experiments.

- Troubleshoot problems with chemical analysis in steel making processes.

- Collect and analyze production samples to evaluate quality.

- Analyze quality control test results and provide feedback and interpretation to production management or staff.

- Stop production if serious product defects are present.

- Monitor performance of quality control systems to ensure effectiveness and efficiency.

- Communicate quality control information to all relevant organizational departments, outside vendors, or contractors.

- Confer with marketing and sales departments to define client requirements and expectations.

- Coordinate the selection and implementation of quality control equipment, such as inspection gauges.

- Monitor development of new products to help identify possible problems for mass production.

Estimation of manufacturability for new orders, calculation of specific norms of charges for the production of different

steel grades, work with services of sales and purchases. Drafting of technological documents, instructions for

the production of different brands became and other. Testing of different materials in the process of steelmaking,

estimation of their applicability for a production, preparation of technical reports. Participating in negotiations with

clients, conferences, conferences. Prosecution of reclamations or claims from clients.

Providing of stable low level for the rejections of products.


MA in Metallurgy of steel

National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine - Dnepr

September 2003 to June 2008


Microsoft Office, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, IBM Notes (9 years)


Military Service

Branch: Combat application of ground artillery

Service Country: Ukraine

Rank: Lieutenant Jr.

September 2007 to April 2008

Military department at National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine


Diploma Theoretical and practical training on EAF+LF/VD operation and metallurgy at Danieli

Training Center and ABS, Italy

September 2011 to Present

I received a certificate of conformity in the office of the company Danieli at the pre-launch period.

Additional Information

I have experience with project documentation during the construction and installation of a steel plant. I also

participated in the commissioning period of the new plant, ie, together with Danieli specialists, started the plant. I

processed the first heat at the installation ladle refining furnace, as the operator of the installation.

Also, it should be noted that during the pre-launch period I was involved to the selection of personnel for work at the

scrap yard ( preparation of scrap) and stock for ferroalloys.

During some time I supervised a question on acquisition of movable railway transport for the aims of plant that was

yet built. I have an experience at reading and changing with the chart of payments for agreements.

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