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  2. Резюме: зразки, поради, як скласти резюме - все про резюме
  3. Зразок (приклад) резюме - UI Designer/Information Architect

Зразок (приклад) резюме - UI Designer/Information Architect

Образец (пример) резюме - UI Designer/Information Architect

Alexander Ivanov

UI Designer/Information Architect


5+ years' experience with WEB- and WAP-design.

3+ years' experience wint interaction design and designing interfaces.

1+ year of experience with conducting user research and testing design solutions.


  • To make things around me more convenient, useful and beautiful.
  • To work on serious projects in company which will have the potential to make my ideas and suggestions come real and can fully use them.
  • To collaborate with professionals like me and share experiences.
  • To grow in professional state continuously.


september 2000 — february 2006

Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (State University)

Master's degree in computer design of materials department of materials science of the faculty of physics and economics of high technologies)

Career highlights

september 2005 — present Inform-mobil (IT/Telecom), interface designer, researcher Duties

- Corporate usability guidelines development.

- Designing WEB, WAP 2.0, and DSTK interfaces.

- Performing usability tests of WEB, WAP 2.0 and DSTK interfaces.

- Writing recommendation reports based on research.

- Co-ordination of a group of graphic- and web-designers when interfaces for huge projects are being made.


- Elaborated the corporate guidelines for usability and appearance of WEB and WAP 2.0 interfaces. Also, under my control a group of graphic-designers worked out standards of appearance of company interfaces and set of templates. Thus developers could work out good interfaces only by following guidelines and appearance standarts and by using templates, without any usability specialist's or graphic-designer's aid.

- Worked out checklists to verify accordance of the company's WEB and WAP 2.0 interfaces to usability guidelines and standarts of appearance. The list consists of over than 70 simple questions with only three possible answers: «yes», «no» and «N/A», so any employee, even office-cleaner can conduct a verification.

- Applicated user centered design concept into the working cycle of the company.

- Created interfaces of some wap 2.0 and web projects for the biggest telecom companies in Russia — Mobile Tele Systems, VimpelCom and SkyLink.

- Designed mobile BREW application “SkyContent” (file manager with ability to purchase data files over the internet).

february 2005 — september 2005 Studio-Svet, senior web-designer Duties

- Web sites designing.

- Team-leadership, coordination of web-site development process.





- (including flash and action scripting)


january 2004 — present Live Color Studio, Self employed Duties

Основне завдання інформаційного архітектора – відобразити бажання замовників в технічно здійснимі вимоги, продумати принципи реалізації цих вимог, виконати всі поставлені завдання якісно і в зазначені терміни.

Окрім хорошої функціональності проекту, над яким працює архітектор-проектувальник, також є важливим його зовнішній вигляд та зручність у використанні. Відповідно, резюме претендента на цю посаду в першу чергу має описувати досвід роботи, успіхи й напрацювання, а також особисті якості шукача, що є необхідними для цієї професії.

↑ Вгору