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  1. Работа в Украине
  2. Компании
  3. Работа и вакансии в Aston ITM в Украине

Aston ITM

 Заблокирована Проверено
На сайте с 15 ноября 2006

Описание компании

Aston ITM is a premier software development company based in Bratislava, Slovakia. Established in 1996, it is known for its highly skilled people and high quality of work. It has carried out number of software projects for the first class clients including Accenture, Avon, DELL, E.ON, Slovak Telecom, SONY, T-Mobile. More information about Aston ITM can be found at Extensive information about the capital city and the standard of living in Bratislava can be found at
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Вакансии в Aston ITM

У этой компании на данный момент нет активных вакансий.

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