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  1. Работа в Украине
  2. Компании
  3. Работа и вакансии в Barona в Украине


 ЗаблокированаАгентство Проверено
На сайте с 19 июня 2023

Описание компании

Barona is a top personnel service company in the Nordics and the largest organisation in its field in Finland. We have been actively recruiting foreign talent since 2007, helping international specialists join leading companies in such fields as the metal industry, logistics, construction, electricity, the food industry and services.

We operate in more than 10 countries and have offices in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Poland, Slovakia and Estonia.

At Barona, you will find a partner that supports you in each stage of your relocation to Finland, Sweden or Norway. We help you settle down, provide you with accommodation, guidance through all administrative formalities, and support you in kick-starting your new career journey.

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Вакансии в Barona

У этой компании на данный момент нет активных вакансий.

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