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  3. Работа и вакансии в Ciklum в Донецке


 Заблокирована Проверено
На сайте с 30 марта 2007

Описание компании

Ciklum collaborates exclusively with foreign clients, mainly Scandinavian. We work on a long term basis with companies who have constant need of software development. Today, Ciklum has established teams for more than 55 companies providing a positive and productive environment inside the company.
Ciklum was established in the year 2000, and has grown to be one of the 3 biggest Software developing companies in Ukraine in the past 6 years, employing almost 400 engineers and administrative staff. Ciklum was founded by Torben Majgaard, a Danish citizen who is the main shareholder at the moment and holds the position of CEO. Torben has 11 years of experience working in Eastern Europe and 20 years of experience in IT. Stuart Abrams holds the position of CFO, an American professional who gained a valuable knowledge during work in Silicon Valley, California. Stuart’s background is based on managerial experience in Symantec, Lucent Technologies and many other famous IT-companies.
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Вакансии в Ciklum

У этой компании на данный момент нет активных вакансий.

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