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Gateways International

 Заблокирована Проверено
На сайте с 3 сентября 2016

Описание компании

Gateways International (GI) is a telecommunications company active in key areas in the Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Sector. GI’s journey has started in July 1997. The company’s main interest was long distance voice traffic, and through hard work and steady growth, it has diversified and evolved into a multi-disciplinary company committed to the highest standards. Knowledge, dedication, teamwork and years of experience have enabled GI to offer its customers a comprehensive approach to their projects. The Scope and quality of services as well as its commitment to client assistance and contentment have made GI an innovative leader in the industry. GI covers a wide range of ICT solutions that specifically address governments along with banks, mobile network operators and other sectors such as healthcare, hospitality, residential and education.
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Вакансии в Gateways International

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