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  3. Работа и вакансии в Grossum, компания в Киеве

Grossum, компания

 Заблокирована Проверено
На сайте с 30 июня 2015

Описание компании

About Grossum: We are organize Symfony Cafe Kyiv - a place where PHP / Symfony geeks meet and share knowledge. We participate in hackathons. We got second place in Krakow (EU Web Challenge). Our developers share their knowledge at events like SymfonyCamp, Symfony Cafe Kyiv, PHP Frameworks Day and other. Company statistics for 2015: Projects from 16 countries all over the world 35,140 hours of development 56 projects completed and in progress 31 new employees (93% growth) and 8 new interns. What we offer: We are a growing company and there are many opportunities to grow and develop yourself with us Enjoy vacation and get paid for it Paid sick leave (We might even make you a bowl of chicken soup to make you feel better, too) English classes and English “Alias” game — enjoy the language practice Extra days off on public holidays — it’s always good to sleep in, right? Our QA specialists have approved the coffee, cookies and candies.
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Вакансии в Grossum, компания

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