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  1. Работа в Украине
  2. Компании
  3. Работа и вакансии в Ocean Hero в Украине

Ocean Hero

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На сайте с 16 июля 2019

Описание компании is a startup based in Berlin, Germany. OceanHero is a social business building a search engine to fight the plastic pollution of our oceans. At this point in time there are more than 5 trillion pieces of plastic floating in our oceans. Harming sea animals and intoxicating our food chain. You can learn more on our website

Our search engine will look and feel like Google. The only difference being that 50% of our company’s profits will be donated to organizations which clean up the oceans, beaches and raise awareness against plastic use.

Here you can find out more about the project:

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Вакансии в Ocean Hero

У этой компании на данный момент нет активных вакансий.

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