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  1. Работа в Украине
  2. Компании
  3. Работа и вакансии в Painter-Decorator в Украине


 Заблокирована Проверено
На сайте с 15 ноября 2006

Описание компании

Union of Painter-Decorators of Ontario is looking for painters-decorators with painting experiense of not less than 2 years. We provide supporting letters for Business Immigration to Canada, necessary tarining to obtain the required Ontario Licenses, etc. If you can assist in this matter your efforts will be highly appreciated. Payroll is CDN$17.00/hr to start, plus health benefits. Families are welcome. This is not a temporary work offer, this is Business Immigration for Permanent Residence in Canada. English proficiency is required but exceptions can be made to each particular case. Please respond if you have any ideas in this field. All details will be available on the request. Thank you, Alex
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Вакансии в Painter-Decorator

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