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  1. Работа в Украине
  2. Компании
  3. Работа и вакансии в RaccoonCare в Украине


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На сайте с 15 февраля 2023

Описание компании

RaccoonCare is a Saas that fights a modern pandemic - a sedentary lifestyle. RaccoonCare is a must-have app for the corporate wellness market, it helps companies to make their employees efficient and healthy by keeping them physically active on a daily basis. It works like a fitness app to keep your daily activity without changing your lifestyle: the user will know when and what exercises to do and also he can be engaged in physical activity challenges with his team.

Programs can be managed by HRs to keep people cohesive and active. The technology was developed on the basis of medical protocols.

Вакансии в RaccoonCare

У этой компании на данный момент нет активных вакансий.

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