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  3. Работа и вакансии в SofLuck в Украине


 ЗаблокированаАгентство Проверено
На сайте с 2 ноября 2023

Описание компании

We is a recruiting company specializing exclusively in searching and selection of IT personnel.

We offer our services in search of highly skilled specialists for work in Ukraine, the European Union, the USA, Canada, Australia.

Our task is to find the best specialist for you during the shortest period of time.

The main technologies which we use while looking for specialists are: Java, Android, iPhone, .Net, C++, PHP, Python, Flash, Flex, Ruby on Rails, QA.

We working not only the search an selection of personnel for the Clients, this is means to increase the cost and profitability of the Client’s business!

Вакансии в SofLuck

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