Starting from 2014, Coinspeaker has been offering extensive coverage across cryptocurrency assets, blockchain technology and latest fintech developments. Our dedicated team provides the latest, most precise updates to help our readers navigate the innovations catalyzed by digital currencies.
ПодробнейНовий медичний коворкінг, який відповідає всім вимогам МОЗ із найсучаснішим обладнанням
ПодробнейПрацевлаштування опікунок в Німеччині
CREDITWEST BANK JSC is one of the investments of Altinbas Holding.
CREDITWEST BANK provides all up-to-date banking services for individual and corporate clients distinguished with high quality, deep business understanding and dynamics.
We believe that Employees are the main assets of our Bank, who improve our Bank day after day due to their professionalism, initiative and creativity. We develop strong corporate culture based on team spirit, cooperation and constant improvement.
We are a team of young, energetic and proactive people. We are expanding and invite professionals who share our views for cooperation!
ПодробнейДавай познайомимось ближче. Clarity Ukraine – амбітна команда фахових ERP-консультантів, розробників, project-менеджерів та аналітиків.
Ми займаємося впровадженням всесвітньо відомої ERP-системи Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (раніше відома як NAV і Navision). Середній досвід наших ERP-спеціалістів складає понад 5 років, архітекторів – більш ніж 10 років, і нам є чим пишатися!
Але ми розуміємо, що за успішними проєктами завжди стоїть фантастична команда, тому активно сприяємо розвитку співробітників, відкритій комунікації, свободі та підтримці один одного.
Ми дуже хочемо, щоб наші люди відчували сенс своєї справи та становлення у професії, тому в нас є чітко побудовані HR-процеси: онбординг, менторинг, грейдинг, система оцінки та фідбек-сесії.
На поточний рік у нас заплановано якісне та кількісне зростання, та одразу декілька крутих проєктів впровадження, тож наша команда відкрита для нових талантів.
Continental AG, commonly known as Continental or Conti, is a German multinational automotive parts company specializing in tires, brake systems, and interior electronics.
At Continental, we have expanded our hydrogen development plans so that trucks, buses and excavators can operate without emissions in the future. More than 150 years of experience in products and materials make us the ideal partner for the development of new materials for the hydrogen value chain, strategically aligning Continental with potential customer applications. Together we can make the future of heavy-duty transport a reality.
ПодробнейCapish English – це школа, де працюють амбітні та професійні викладачі, які мають справжнє покликання навчати! Наші учні отримують цікаві уроки, доступні ціни, знижки та унікальний досвід спілкування з носіями мови
ПодробнейThe headquarters of Chisage ESS is located in Ningbo City with a sophisticated R&D engineering team for BMS and hybrid inverter technology. Now we have an annual manufacturing capacity of over 5GWh of Li-FePO4 battery packs and more than 100,000 units of inverters.
Our main products include residential inverters, battery packs, C&I hybrid inverters, portable power stations, all-in-one ESS cabinets, and ESS containers.
Chisage ESS values innovation and reliability and is dedicated to delivering our customers our best solutions.
We are Clario, a consumer-focused product development company on a mission to make digital life easy.
We’re here to create smart yet simple apps with a human touch, empowering better productivity, security, and lifestyles.
Founded in 2019 to disrupt the complex cybersecurity market, Clario now owns a bunch of time-tested products used by millions. Boasting intuitive UX and enhanced ease of use, we are creating different apps to identify a wide range of challenges and solve them with our handy software.
We are an in-house product development company fueled by data and passion.
Clario’s expert R&D lab spends months carefully researching new, relevant user problems. We strive to meet user needs on whatever their device is, be it iOS, Android, macOS, or Windows.
We’ve got a superpower – what we’re offering goes beyond mere software. Instead, we combine the latest technology with expert help from our agents, available 24/7 throughout our apps. Real people bring real support whenever the user needs it.
There’s only one thing we love more than our products – that’s our Clario people. We help them to unleash their hidden talents and give them the best opportunities to shine. We trust you as a professional by default. We believe that work should always be spiced up with new challenges, a friendly and supporting environment, as well as non-stop learning that fuels our collective and personal growth. No room for overly controlling workflows - we’re here to listen and make things work even better.
Our people put the customer at the heart of all that we do, we achieve our best together, take responsibility, and challenge our limits to make a difference.
Wanna join Clario people? Give us a sign - and let’s go together!