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  4. Резюме Junior Front End Developer в Киеве
  5. Junior Front End Developer
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Professional resumeПрофессиональное резюме, в котором указаны: эл.почта, телефон, зарплата, опыт работы, образование и другая важная информация.Junior Front End Developer

14 000 грн.
 15 января 2020  Город: Киев
Возраст:40 лет
Режим работы:полный рабочий день
Рубрики: IT, WEB специалисты
 Состою в браке  Есть дети 

Опыт работы

Junior Front End Developer
FTA (IT), Киев
07.2019 − По настоящее время (5 лет 2 месяца)

Development of individual parts of the website related to analytics, sorting and filtering data.

Junior Front End Developer
FreeCodeCamp, Киев
06.2016 − 11.2019 (3 года 5 месяцев)

Solving the tasks and Worked on such projects as: Tribute Page, Personal Portfolio Webpage, Random Quote Machine, Wikipedia Viewer, Local Weather, use the JSON API, JavaScript Calculator, Pomodoro Clock, Tic Tac Toe Game, Simon Game and several projects on ReactJS: Markdown Previewer, Camper Leaderboard, Recipe Box, Game of Life.

Technologies: HTML, CSS, Java Script, jQuery, Bootstrap, Ajax, API, ReactJS

Manual web and desktop tester
Start IT
09.2014 − 11.2014 (2 месяца)

- Create test planes, test cases, check-lists

- Make test operation on web shop (,

- Black-box testing of desktop

- Provide bug-report.

Technologies: Black-box, JIRA, Scrum, WEB, HTML


Vinnitsa National Agrarian University
Specialist in accounting and auditing, Financing and lending
полное высшее, 09.2001 − 09.2006 (5 лет )

Дополнительная информация

Личные качества, хобби, увлечения, навыки: 

• Overall 1 year of non-profit experience

• Good knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, experience with ReactJS, Git and familiarized with Sass, SCSS, Photoshop

• Worked on such projects as: Tribute Page, Personal Portfolio Webpage, Random Quote Machine, Wikipedia Viewer, Local Weather, use the JSON API, JavaScript Calculator, Pomodoro Clock, Tic Tac Toe Game, Simon Game and several projects on ReactJS: Markdown Previewer, Camper Leaderboard, Recipe Box, Game of Life

• Understanding of JSON data format

• Clear understanding of software development life cycle. Knowledge of test types and levels of testing, understanding of most popular test design technics: boundary, pair-wise, equivalent classes, etc. Experience in creating Test Plans (in accordance to IEEE829), Check-lists, Test Cases. Experience in manual black-box testing of desktop and client server applications. Experience with JIRA, as bug-tracking system. Understanding of Agile (Scrum) methodology. Selenium IDE, Mozilla Firebug, Chrome DevTools – basic usage experience

• Responsible, able to learn fast, work in team and individually, work under pressure, analytical, logical and flexible thinking

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