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Junior QA Enginner

 22 января 2017  Город: Киев
Возраст:40 лет
Режим работы:полный рабочий день

Дополнительная информация

Личные качества, хобби, увлечения, навыки: - QA – familiar with testing process, test-cases, water-fall, Scrum. - MS Office - advanced level - MS Excel (work with large volumes of data, pivot tables, functions, basic knowledge about VBA), MS Word, MS Access (SQL-queries), MS PowerPoint - Information-analytical work: brand KPI analysis, data analysis, econometric sales and other brand health KPI modeling, trends and forecasts of economic and advertising market in Ukraine, the evaluation of the effectiveness of advertising in all media, presentation skills, negotiations with research companies and clients on research. EXPERIENCE 09.2008 - present Initiative (ADV group) advertising agency, Kiev Position: Head of research, Senior media researcher Common tasks: - Managing, training of younger research colleagues and building department cooperation with other units (up to 2 persons) - Agency colleagues consultations on research and tools questions - Communication with the Initiative (Interpublic) WW network, clients and contractors on research questions - Involving in the preparation of pitch proposals for potential clients during communication strategy creation - Media placement optimization and effectiveness evaluation - Cooperation with other agency units while making consulting and communication proposals and recommendations for the pitches and current clients - Econometric modelling of brand KPI: awareness, purchases, sales - Searching and usage of tools for solving clients communication and marketing objectives - Cluster, factor, correspondence and other statistics analyses - Participation in industrial technical committees: TV JIC, Radio committee. - Building multi-media coverages, optimization of media plans, media market forecasts, consumer analysis of target audiences, filling of commercial breaks, search for insights for building communication strategies, work with the software. Used technologies: - MS Excel, MS Power Point, MS Access, VBA - SPSS, OSA, Matrix, Improve, Wave, SAM/Allocate, Markdata, Galileo, Super Nova, Paolo Mars Adex, Gemius, Mediaanalyzer, AdOpinion, AdvertTrack, Analytic, Oda Plan, Adex Monitor Outdoors, Surface Vision, TGI, Arianna etc. Main wider projects and events: - 14 Oct 2014 – Speaker of Ukrainian Media School on behalf of TV JIC with the lecture. “Advertising campaign effectiveness: criteria of evaluation” - 16 Apr 2014 – among speakers of the JIC members and TV market meeting - Feb-Aug 2012 - Head of Technical Committee of TV JIC –high involvement in TAM TV panel maintenance, its control and development - March 2012 – Speaker in terms of regular TV measurements conference – report “Actual questions by TV Technical Committee”. 03.2007 – 09.2008 Starcom (PGM), advertising, Kiev Position: Account executive, Research manager Common tasks: - Preparation reports and presentations for clients, media market overviews - Working with research programs. - Overviews of product categories competitive activities, channel profiles (shares, ratings, affinity, programming) Used technologies: - MS Excel, MS Power Point 12.2005 - 03.2007 Cortex (PGM), advertising, Kiev Position: Research Manager Common tasks: - Reports preparation - Competitive activities presentations for media agencies - Analysis of the media market for media agencies - Working with research programs Used technologies: - MS Excel, MS Power Point 09.2005 – 12.2005 Inter Exchange billing system, VoIP, Kiev, Position : Test engineer/software support eng1.09.2001 –1.06.2008 Kiev Taras Shevchenko University Faculty of Cybernetics, Kiev, Ukraine Master’s degree in Applied Mathematics. Specialty: social Informatics

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