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  5. Lead software developer С++
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Lead software developer С++

85 000 грн.
 25 октября 2019  Город: Одесса
 Готов к переезду в: Киев, Харьков, Львов
Возраст:37 лет
Режим работы:полный рабочий день
Рубрики: IT, WEB специалисты; Руководство
 Состою в браке  Готов к командировкам


Skills aSkills and experience:

2004 – 2008: University

  • Development of own language interpreter and subset of Pascal language interpreter by means of C++.
  • Database development (InterBase, SQLite) and development of relevant client software
  • Experience with libraries: BOOST, VCL, loki, OpenGL.
  • Development of software for testing mathematical algorithms based on pluggable (dll) modules.
  • Development of С++ library for parsing and computing mathematical expressions.

2004 – 2008: Freelance work

  • Development of GUI framework for Windows console.
  • Client/server utilities (boost.asio, qt, JavaScript)

2009 – 2015: LULU Software Ukraine (Junior/Meddle/Senior software developer, Team leader)

  • Experience with libraries: BOOST, MFC, Xtreme ToolkitPro, loki, freetype 2, ATL (SOAP), WIX, GDI+, MSI API, Win API/RT, CURL, HTMLayout, rapidxml, pugixml, icu, idn, zlib, unrar, MacOs API, COCOA.
  • Experience with windows 8 development (c++/c++cx) - porting core layers and business logic of PDF Application
  • MacOS X development - porting core layers and business logic of PDF Application (С/С++). UI design and development - Objective C/C++
  • Development of Windows Shell Extension (win xp)
  • Plugin development for VS 2005 - 2010 (localizer, c#)
  • Development of localization subsystem: plugin for VS 2005 - 2010 (c#), с++ - static library containing localizer kernel, utility for editing localization files (with a convenient extension for file format support) based on the above library, dll providing intrusive translator’s interface
  • Experience in developing localization systems for Windows and MacOS basing on GNU GetText utilities + Python + boost.locale
  • Development of various scripts in Python, JavaScript, Bash, Batch for project setup and integration in MS Visual Studio and XCode
  • Significant expertise in text parsing and generating using Boost.Spirit classic/2.2. Development of abstract parser of PostScript language; development of generator for Adobe CMap based on the above parser, and interpreter of PostScript subset based on the above parser. Development of Pfd parser. Vast experience in writing extensions (terminals, directives) for boost.spirit. qi/karma libraries
  • Experience of working with inner structure of font files (*.otf, *.ttf, *.ttc, *.pdf, *.ps)
  • Experience with windows xp/vista/7 registry
  • Development of various custom controls for Windows/MacOS applications
  • Development of installers (Windows/MacOS)
  • Design and implementation of business logic modules and related UI
  • Software optimization experience
  • Development of multithreaded applications
  • Working experience of using design pattern

2015 - 2017: Luxoft (Senior developer / Team leader / Function owner)


  • C(99)/C++(11)/Embedded C++
  • Design patterns
  • Bug fix
  • Refactoring
  • Improve of architecture solution
  • UML design (low-level)
  • Improve technical skills of our colleagues (preparation of lecture, presentation, code review)
  • Technical interview
  • AARCH64 architecture
  • Bluetooth
  • Libraries: Thrift, Boost, STD, STL, BlueSDK, Ofono, Common API, Populus SDK
  • IPC, RPC, Multi process/threading
  • Code review
  • Linux
  • CMake, bash
  • Git
  • KDevelop, Sublime

Panasonic MIB3:

  • C(99)/C++(11)/Embedded C++
  • Design patterns
  • Lunux/RTOS(uItron)/Windows/CigWin
  • IPC, RPC, Multi process/threading, ISC, ICC, coroutine
  • Improve technical skills of our colleagues (preparation of lecture, presentation, code review)
  • UML design (high and low level)
  • Technical interview
  • ARM architecture, ALPS and Murata bluetooth hardware, PartnerJ debugger, GPIO, Linux Kernel modules, architecture of flash memory, file system,
  • Bluetooth, HCI sniffer
  • Libraries: Boost, STD, STL, BlueGO, Blue SDK, BlueZ, DBus, Common API, Populus SDK, ImageMagik++, ICU, libvcardparser, some extension for boost.gil(based of libjpg, libtiff, libpng), asound (ALSA), libusb, SQLite, POSIX API
  • Fix for crashes
  • Preparation of release delivery, integration
  • Deep experience with Git (bash, gitk) :(
  • KDevelop, Sublime, CLion, DB expert for SQLite, Meld, Kate, Qt Creator
  • CMake, Make, Bash
  • Development of high level architecture (project-level architecture team)
  • Development of heigh and low level architecture (domain-level architecture)
  • Development of domain-level
  • Analyze of customer requirements, preparation of CRS, TRS, FROP
  • Task/time planning (self and team)
  • Written communication with customer
  • Cross-domain communication
  • Architecture meetings, soft skill improvement meetings, mentoring,
  • Business trips to Germany
  • Development of very performance DB (c++ (boost) based) for embedded system
  • Porting of some parts of Boost library to RTOS (uItron)
  • Bottlenecks development (core (BT stack) - level, IPC/RPC/ISC/ICC - level), base-line of architecture (skeletons) for all components
  • Scrum/Agile/ASPICE
  • Preparation of reports about progress of development/design/testing to the PM’s team and customer
  • I was trained in leadership, oratory, time management, ASPICE / Ajile / Scrum workflows, team’s spirit
  • Domain architecture: three separate process (daemons) on Linux side and one task (with coroutine) on RTOS (uItron) side; seven components - bluetooth: core, media, phone, organizer; phone call manager, user profile handling, picture manager
  • Development of custom RPC, based of: ISC commands and shared memory on target side, and sockets and POSIX shared memory on host side
  • Team of ten employers: two senior, fife middles, two junior and one qa

2017 - 2018: Comodo (Senior developer)

  • ITSM (itsm-core team / linux-desktop line owner):
  • C++ 14
  • Boost
  • sqlite_orm
  • IPC (raw sokets / grpc / nanomsg), google protobuf
  • Design patterns
  • Creation of an software architecture
  • Linux
  • CMake
  • CLion, DB expert for SQLite
  • UML design (high and low level)
  • Technical interview
  • Microservice architecture
  • Multi process/threading
  • Http/Https client (CURL)
  • Micro-managerment

2019: Luxoft (Lead software developer)

  • Audi MIB3 (Asia) / Harman: Navigation team (map, system, diagnosis)
  • Solve critical issues
  • Refactoring of core components
  • Multi process/threading
  • C++ 17
  • MoCCa
  • Overall programming experience - 15 years (3 years of freelance work, 12 years of team experience).
  • Additional information:
  • Experience with the following software development tools and version control systems:
  • Borland C++ builder 6, 10, 2007,
  • Embarcadero RAD Studio 2009,
  • Microsoft VS 6.0 / 2003 / 2005 / 2008 / 2010 / 2012 / 2013 / 2015,
  • IncrediBuild,
  • SVN, TortoiseSVN, TFS, Git bash, GitK, Meld
  • Microsoft SharePoint, MS Project
  • InterBase Expert,
  • FireBird,
  • KDeveloper,
  • NetBeans-6.7.1,
  • XCode 6-6.3,
  • Eclipse,
  • PyCharm,
  • Jira/Stash
  • Jams
  • CLion
  • Sublime
  • Qt Creator
  • Kate/GEdit/MCEdit/NANO/VI
  • Star UML, UMLet, Enterprise architect
  • Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Picture Manager
  • CigWin


  • 1994-2004: school #40 (Lugansk)
  • 2004 – 2008: East-Ukrainian National University named after V. Dahl (Lugansk), Bachelor of Applied Mathematics.
  • 2008 – 2009: East-Ukrainian National University named after V. Dahl (Lugansk), Specialist of Applied Mathematics.

Languages: Russian, Ukrainian; English - technical (+/-intermediate).

Personal qualities:

  • Boldness, honesty, responsibility, reliability, sociability, benevolence, ability to learn quickly, team working skills, ability to understand other people's code, ability to adhere to corporate notation. I write high-quality, well-documented (if enough time was provided) and easily readable code!
  • Participated in the development of the following popular applications:
  • Desktop (Windows/MacOS):
  • Soda PDF -
  • PDF Suite - pdf-suite_com
  • PDF Architect - pdfforge_org
  • Gaia Family Tree - gaiafamilytree_com
  • PC Optimizer - mypcutility_com


  • Soda PDF
  • Panasonic Polaris2
  • Panasonic MIB3

Embedded (automotive):

  • Panasonic Polaris2
  • Panasonic MIB3
  • Audi MIB3

Linux (desktop (daemon)):

Comodo ITSM-Agent for Linuxnd experience:

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