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Manual QA

13 000 грн.
 26 октября 2020  Город: Киев
Возраст:34 года
Режим работы:полный рабочий день, удаленная работа, плавающий график работы
Рубрики: IT, WEB специалисты



In general, have 3 years of experience as an analyst of the computer database in the international company ControlPay.

Experienced user of Microsoft Office programs (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook), Notepad++.

Speak English in Upper intermediate level. Working in ControlPay, on a daily basis participate in business correspondence, make calls with international contacts according to company standards, have experience of technical documentation, contracts, manuals translation.


  • 1. English in Upper intermediate level
  • 2. SQL (Basic)
  • 3. Microsoft Office programs
  • 4. Team work

5. Update of internal manuals and instructions

6. JIRA user


August – September 2020

Software testing online courses at AltexSoft.

Learned about:

  • SCRUM;
  • Principles, types and levels of testing;
  • Types of Requirements and analysis;
  • Test design techniques;
  • Test documentation.

October 2016 – December 2019

ControlPay Ltd – international company, that gives services of freight audit to transnational corporations. This company created a unique web-platform with opportunity of logistics reports creation, holding tenders and consulting services in the field of transportation.

Position: Contract manager

  • Track, analysis and correct, in-time implementation of the rate cards, received from a Client into a specific platform;
  • Testing implemented logics: correctness of calculation;
  • To be informed about specifics and peculiarities of implemented before logics and rules;
  • To support other departments in case any questions related to our scope arise;
  • To handle clarification with the Client, in case of inconsistencies or questions;
  • To inform other departments in case of changes in logics that may affect quality of audit process;
  • In case new logics should be implemented/updated to describe task for IT department via Jira;

Position: Auditor of computer data base


  • Control of in-time receiving transportation data from determined list of transportation companies that auditor responsible for;
  • Check out fullness and validity of received data in case of inconsistencies;
  • Audit of agreed contractual terms on transportation conditions and payment described in contract between client and carrier in case of mismatch in claimed total amount by carrier for the transportation and amount pre-calculated by audit program;
  • Holding negotiations and solving controversial issues with carrier’s and client’s representatives. Business correspondence and calls is English in accordance with accepted corporate standards;
  • Timely informing group leader on conditions of unresolved controversial issues with aim to discuss and prompt search of solution;
  • Keep up with time limits given on documents processing as basic indicator of auditor work efficiency. Timely informing group leader on impossibility of document processing in KPI frames with aim of scope redistribution among team members;
  • Working in accordance with priorities set by team leader in conditions of extreme overload;
  • Creation of periodical and one-case reports on clients demand using data stored and f Business Intelligence application;
  • Making suggestions on optimization of web-platform and team work efficiency. Entering task in CRM system for accepted propositions.
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