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Product owner, Project manager, Analyst

 22 января 2017  Город: Киев
Возраст:54 года
Режим работы:полный рабочий день

Дополнительная информация

Личные качества, хобби, увлечения, навыки: - Proven track record in project management, technical product management, team building and leading. Comfortable with concurrent-project and multi-team environment and able to manage multiple priorities. - Brilliant analytic skills and extensive experience in gathering, analyzing and managing requirements with both agile (user stories, acceptance criteria, “examples”) and conventional style (SRS, use cases). - Experienced architect able to cope with a complicated mix of server, desktop, web and mobile applications and having solid experience of systems integration. - Team growing and transforming waterfall teams to agile. - Strong technical background, including OOP/OOD, server (Java, .Net, C++) and client (HTML5/CSS/JS, .Net, Delphi) technologies, SQL and noSQL databases, search engines, big data processing, machine learning and embedded hardware programming. - Implementing advanced technical practices for code, requirements, QA and DevOps: DDD, TDD/ATDD, Continuous delivery, Specification by Example, Effect mapping. - Highly enthusiastic about and experienced in Agile methodologies (SCRUM, Kanban) although able to master the waterfall (PMBOK) and iterative (RUP) as well. - Mastering Lean product management best practices to create valuable products fast. Latest Representative projects/products: БУМ (2013) SAAS product, providing the all-in-one powerful and reliable source of information support for local accounting specialists. It aggregates information from domain experts, officials and colleagues and presents it in a pretty simple and intuitive UI. Product utilize private cloud services at the back-end and HTML RIA at the front-end. It is a sort of hi load system, able to serve up to 1 million users. VERDICTUM (2012) SAAS product, offering the full database of Ukrainian court judgments and the suite of appropriate search and analytical tools. The product is highly appreciated by Ukrainian lawyer's community as a very valuable instrument for every legal practitioner. The most challenging part of the product is the automatic native language processing that mines out the necessary attributes and classification from the raw texts. LIGA:ZAKON (2011) LIGA:ZAKON is the most trustworthy and comprehensive legal, accounting and business information source on the Ukrainian market for over 20 years. Over 160 thousands of professionals use ЛИГА:ЗАКОН to gain unique insights and make informed decisions. The main challenge of this product is the sophisticated FTS engine that has to work well on the quite weak hardware. Well-experienced IT manager with get-it-done attitude and passion to create products that customers love. I have an extensive experience in all parts of SDLC with various methodologies and technologies, proven by my leadership in the numerous successful projects/products. My aim is to build mature and efficient teams that capable of working productively, independently and steadily for a long time. I enjoy diving deeply into the subject domain to design the software that is aligned with business goals and exceeds the customer’s and stakeholder’s expectations. This technique is surely supported by my brilliant analyst's qualification and the broad horizon in many business domains. Being a greedy learner, I am chasing new knowledge and novel technologies to employ for the benefit of the team and product. With my skills and experience I am equipped for new achievements and can give to my employer excellent results and loyalty. Feb 2010 - Jul 2014 Head of software development department ЛИГА:ЗАКОН Managing and leading the multi-project and multi-team department, providing a full software development and support life cycle service for entire LIGA:ZAKON products portfolio (including desktop, SAAS and mobile products plus content preparing and management software and portal). - establishing, improving and supervising department’s processes; - planning and managing release cycles; - identifying, assessing and managing risks; - resource estimation, planning and management, resolving resource conflicts; - staff recruitment, training and motivation; - supervising the collaboration between diverse cross-functional teams; - making R&D and taking crucial architect and technology decisions for products being developed; - negotiation with stakeholders, especially at expertise, estimation and planning of new projects; - managing sub-contractors, involved in developing of particular modules and services. As a results: - The bunch of effective, highly-professional and motivated teams, following industry best practices and advanced technical and quality standards (SCRUM, XP, ATDD, continuous delivery, Specification by Example etc.) has been built; - The legacy flagship product (LIGA:ZAKON) has been gradually but completely reengineered without interrupting the usual release flow to take it to a whole new level of perfection; - Four new products (SAAS, mobile) have been created “from scratch” and successfully lunched to the market. - Improved the communication with product owners and key stakeholders to ensure they are actively engaged throughout the product development lifecycle. Jan 2008 - Feb 2010 Manager of Web applications development team ЛИГА:ЗАКОН Sep 2004 - Dec 2007 Manager, Architect, Analyst Avanport1994 NTUU “Kiev Polytechnic Institute” Electronic engineering department, Electronic engineering and programming sub-faculty. Electronics engineer, designer and technologist.

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