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Ст. бизнес аналитик / product owner/ консультант/ руководитель

 13 октября 2022  Город: Киев
Возраст:59 лет
Режим работы:полный рабочий день, свободный график работы, удаленная работа
Рубрики: IT, WEB специалисты; Консалтинг; Руководство
Готов к командировкам

Опыт работы

Business Development, BA, change management, Product Owner
Self-employed ( Реализация проектов в ИТ компаниях и на производственных предприятиях.), Киев
07.2000 − По настоящее время (24 года 2 месяца)

Alexander Yatel

Mobile: + 380503115977


Languages: Ukrainian/Russian/English

A brief description of:

- Practitioner in systematization and digitalization / business development/ change management

- Main directions: digital transformation of business, manufacturing and IT (solutions / products / services / SW development & implementation)

Summary of Qualifications

Expert with more than 10 years of practical experience in the analysis of digitalization projects for the development of software solutions and their subsequent implementation. Had experience in performing related functions as a product owner and had experience in analyzing business/system requirements to developing products based on the platform solutions for the needs of different clients.

Domain expertise: automation of management for production, trade, and service companies (reengineering of business processes/modernization of management accounting), there is practical experience in the implementation of complex projects for the digitalization of the work of government structures.

Knowledge of both adaptive and predictive types of software development methodologies and instruments (Waterfall, Scrum, Kanban; UML diagrams, etc.).

Technical Skills

Practices: conducting interviews, questionnaires, document analysis, prototyping, UI/UX, RACI, ERD, GAP and SWOT analysis, presentations,
requirements management, etc

Frameworks and Libraries: Waterfall, Scrum, Kanban; UML diagrams

Development Environments and Tools: Jira, Confluence

UML Modeling: MS Visio

Visualization: Visio, PowerPoint, MS Office

Professional Experience

State Audit Service of Ukraine 03.2021 – 07.2021

Position: Business analyst

Project: "E-Auditor" project of digitalization, starting from "scratch"

Responsibilities included:

Mostly system/functional analysis;

Collection of project requirements from stakeholders and project sponsors (MinFin);

Eliciting and elaborating business/functional requirements;

Preparing product vision;

Roadmap engineering for product development with the desired architecture and subprojects;

Requirement elicitation, documentation and analysis on the system and business levels;

Translating objectives into goals, goals into epics and cases, epics into stories;

Converting business to technical requirements;

Acceptance criteria engineering;

Documentation and technical writing: Product vision, SoW for whole system and subsystems, FRS, PRD, BRD, UML diagrams;

Project domain A: Formation of a subproject of the integration with external data sources (defining requirements for collecting and processing data, creating a database of necessary data for import via API, forming a project to agree on technical feasibility for the execution - the IT department of the SASU was an internal customer)

Project domain B: Development of requirements for the E-Auditor product for core activities as audits (document analysis, intervening of department heads, creating of user stories and use cases, creation of a cross-functional process diagram, determination of MVP with reference to the financing schedule - the Department for Regulatory and Methodological Support of the SASU was a main internal customer)

Tools: UML diagram - MS Visio, presentations - PowerPoint, documents - MS Office

Ministry of Agriculture and Food 05.2018 – 09.2019

Position: analyst- IT consultant (expert of EU program)

Project: EU SAFPI program (IT part)

Responsibilities included:

The main task was business/system analysis for project creation of the Agrarian Register of Ukraine;

Collection of project requirements from internal stakeholders of the Ministry;

Conducted research of existing processes and working systems;

GAP analysis executing included HW and SW parts;

Development of a roadmap of the solution development and implementation (specific of non-IT users);

Formation of business requirements and use cases for the accepted functional part after performing an analysis of the feasibility of implementation to the various user groups (farmers, local controllers, officials);

Prototyping from the use case level, data and system modeling;

Requirements analysis, functional analysis and design;

Creation of a lot of different types UML diagrams for visualization in the process of acceptance of the proposal;

Adjustment of all proposals with colleagues from the Italian IT office of EC commission who have implemented a similar functional solution, but based on business processes in accordance with Italian legislation (EU program requirement)

Tools: UML diagram - MS Visio, presentations - PowerPoint, documents - MS Office

"" (in past "XM-online") 11.2016 – 03.2018

Position: senior business analyst - product developer

Project: platform

Responsibilities included:

Gathering project requirements with commercial leads

Formation of possible use cases of the XM-platform as a solution base to customers

Managing of developers teams to composing mock-ups and prototype

Preparing and executing presentations of possible solutions based on the XM-platform

Business domains: more than 10 projects like as business of electric vehicle charging networks, rent of yachts, trade company management system, real-time campaign management system for theories checking by marketers, etc

Tools: by SCRUM methodology, PostgreSQL, JavaScript, presentations - PowerPoint, documents - MS Office,

EliteDecor Ltd 03.2015 – 12.2019

Position: business analyst - product owner

Project: automated production planning and control system

Responsibilities included:

Conducting business research of the production specifics

Gathering requirements of the future product

Creating requirements specifications, use cases, user stories

Translating requirements to the SW-Dev team (outsource based)

Performing acceptance testing

Implementation of the solution

Tools: by SCRUM methodology, mySQL, JavaScript

Previous experience:

- business development in trading, manufacturing and service companies (mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, printing, IT)

- crisis management, reengineering of business process, optimization

- sale of IT solutions&services, equipment, technological raw materials

- organization of service-oriented business


полное высшее, 07.1982 − 06.1987 (4 года 11 месяцев)

Знание языков:

Английский - Продвинутый (свободно), Украинский - Профессиональный (эксперт), Русский - Профессиональный (эксперт)

Дополнительная информация

Знание компьютера, программ: свободное
Личные качества, хобби, увлечения, навыки: Люблю решать сложные задачи
Цель поиска работы, пожелания к месту работы: Consulting, Business Analyst, Product Manager, Delivery Manager, anti-crises management, business process optimization, digital transformation

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