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  4. Работа Amazon Product Researcher менеджер з пошуку товарів Amazon в Киеве
  5. Amazon Product Researcher менеджер з пошуку товарів Amazon
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Amazon Product Researcher менеджер з пошуку товарів Amazon

30 000 грн.
  1 декабря 2023  Киев 
Компания: Minmaxdeals LLC  ( (Все вакансии)
Рубрики:IT, WEB специалисты; Торговля, продажи, закупки; Работа за рубежом


Телефон: +1(424)210-7645
Контактное лицо:HR manager

Пожелания к сотруднику

Образование:не имеет значения
Опыт работы:от года
График работы:свободный график работы

Описание вакансии

MinMaxdeals LLC, an American company trading luxury cosmetics, is seeking a highly motivated and experienced Amazon Researcher to join our team. The ideal candidate will have a passion for analyzing large data sets, a strong understanding of Amazon’s marketplace, and the ability to identify profitable products for sale.


  • Analyze a large number of products from cosmetics suppliers daily according to given criteria to identify profitable products for selling on Amazon.
  • Process large supplier files in Google Sheets according to our instructions.
  • Create clear and simple reports on the work done.
  • Continuously learn and develop expertise in Amazon’s marketplace and research techniques.


  • Experience with Amazon.
  • Experience with the Keepa plugin or other extensions allowing for detailed Amazon product analysis.
  • Experience with Excel and Google Sheets.
  • Knowledge of English B1.
  • Ability to work with set criteria and for the results.
  • Have a personal PC/Laptop (RAM above 4GB) and constant fast access to the Internet.

Working conditions:

  • 5 days a week (Monday to Friday)
  • Remote work
  • 32 hours per week (flexible).
  • KPI (results) oriented.
  • Salary: base + % of the profit from the sold goods that you found (paid once a month to a bank account).

We offer a range of benefits for this vacancy, including:

  • Remote Work: The position is fully remote, meaning you can work from the comfort of your home or any location of your choice.
  • Stable Salary: We offer a regular salary package to our employees to ensure financial stability and security.
  • Teamwork: We promote a culture of teamwork, collaboration, and mutual respect. Our teams work closely together to achieve common goals and to support each other.
  • Fast-Growing International E-commerce Company: working with us will provide you with invaluable experience and exposure to the world of e-commerce.
  • Work-Life Balance: We believe in promoting a healthy work-life balance, so you can work flexible hours that suit your lifestyle and personal needs.

To apply, please complete the assessment form:


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