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  5. C++ and Java software developer
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C++ and Java software developer

80 000 грн.
 10 мая 2021  Киев 
Компания: Allied Bits  ( (Все вакансии)
Рубрики:IT, WEB специалисты

Пожелания к сотруднику

Образование:не имеет значения
Опыт работы:от двух лет
График работы:свободный график работы

Описание вакансии

An international ISV company headquartered in NC (US) is looking for a remote software developer in Ukraine.

Duties and responsibilities:

  • Maintenance and development of security- and networking-related non-visual components and libraries (mostly on Windows, but also on other popular platforms)
  • Testing, reproduction, and (where possible) resolution of issues that customers have with the products


  • Practical experience with C++ and Java, as well as knowledge of Windows API and Java class library is a must. Will consider a student with good knowledge of the mentioned languages and APIs.
  • Experience with C# and .NET Framework would be great. Other popular languages (Python, Delphi, Go) would be beneficial as well
  • General knowledge of IT infrastructure and virtualization platforms (VMWare Workstation, Hyper-V)
  • Solid knowledge of English, enabling communication with the English-speaking colleagues

Working conditions:

  • A service contract with the UK branch
  • Compensation includes a monthly salary (payment interval is negotiable to accommodate to Ukrainian laws) and a yearly bonus
  • Paid Time Off for vacations and sick days (10 working days + negotiable extra)
  • Flexible daily and weekly schedule
  • Friendly and helpful environment, both remote and local in Ukraine
  • Visits to the US headquarters are possible after the covid restrictions are lifted


  • Starting from 2900 USD/mo, everything above is subject to negotiations

Please, send your resume and CV to отправить резюме

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