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  4. Работа Financial controller в Украине
  5. Financial controller
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Financial controller

 14 мая 2020  Днепр 
Компания: ТОВ "ВІСК"  ( (Все вакансии)
Рубрики:Бухгалтерия, финансы, учет/аудит; Банковское дело, ломбарды

Пожелания к сотруднику

Образование:полное высшее
Опыт работы:от пяти лет
График работы:полный рабочий день

Описание вакансии

We create, develop and support complex sales, administrative and technical systems for telecom business.

Our online shop transacts in more than 100 currencies from all countries of the world, it is localized in many languages.

We serve cross-platform B2C and B2B sales channels on all continents.

We are looking for a financial controller with a bright mind, initiative, and strong wish to grow, for our financial platform.


  • 8 years of working experience
  • English (intermediate)
  • Advanced Excel user

If you have less than 8 years but you are sure you are up to task you may apply too.

Selection process is thorough.

Send your CVs with a few words describing an accomplishment you are proud of in financial controlling (in English, max. 1 A4 page).

Location: Dnepr

Good luck!

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