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  5. Full-stack React + NodeJS Developer
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Full-stack React + NodeJS Developer

 26 октября 2023  Львов 
Компания: Insoftex  ( (Все вакансии)
Рубрики:IT, WEB специалисты


Контактное лицо:Mykhailo Fliorko

Пожелания к сотруднику

Образование:не имеет значения
Опыт работы:от пяти лет
График работы:удаленная работа

Описание вакансии

We are looking for a highly-skilled, self-motivated, and well-organised Full-stack Developer to join our professional team. You will develop modern products for western clients, working closely with other team members to integrate your solutions into scalable platforms for various business domains like Healthcare, Fintech, Automotive, Solar Energy, Supply Chain, Workflow Process Automation.

Primary Accountabilities / Responsibilities:

  • Working closely with the client to elicit feature requirements

  • Design and develop scalable solutions for Front-end and Back-end

  • Code development, code optimisation, and testing key functionality

  • Implementing new features, working with module integrations

  • Collaborate with multi-functional team and other stakeholders

  • Meeting both technical and consumer needs

Knowledge, Skills, Competencies and Experience:

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering, Computer Science (or equivalent experience)

  • Experience with Typescript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS

  • Overall 4+ years as a developer on commercial projects

  • At least 2 years commercial experience with React and React-based frameworks, e.g., Flux or Redux, Next.js, incl. server-side rendering

  • At least 2 years commercial experience with NodeJS and Node.js-based frameworks, e.g., Nest,js, Express.js

  • Experience with RESTful APIs, Websockets, data streaming, e.g., Kafka, and message brokers, RabbitMQ

  • Experience with Docker, NPM, Webpack, and testing frameworks, e.g., Jest

  • Experience with SQL and NoSQL databases, e.g., PostgreSQL, MongoDB

  • Upper-intermediate English level and effective verbal communication

Additional skills that will be an advantage:

  • Experience with microservice architecture and public clouds, e.g., AWS (incl. Lambda, Step Functions), GCP, Azure

  • Experience with building data-intensive applications, displaying data in charts

  • Proficient debugging with Chrome DevTools

We offer:

  • Remote work

  • Decent salary

  • Timely payment of wages

  • Paid vacation and sick days

  • Opportunity for self-realization and professional growth


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