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  4. Работа MacOS and Linux kernel-mode developer в Киеве
  5. MacOS and Linux kernel-mode developer
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MacOS and Linux kernel-mode developer

100 000 грн.
 11 марта 2021  Киев 
Компания: Allied Bits  ( (Все вакансии)
Рубрики:IT, WEB специалисты

Пожелания к сотруднику

Образование:не имеет значения
Опыт работы:от двух лет
График работы:удаленная работа

Описание вакансии


  • Practical experience with development of kernel-mode code for macOS and Linux. Experience with both Linux and FreeBSD kernels is welcome but not required.
  • Good English, sufficient for written communications with English-speaking colleagues and using English-speaking sources of information.


  • Porting of existing mass-market software products, which utilize kernel-mode driver code, to Linux and macOS
  • Maintenance of the ported software products
  • Testing, reproduction and (when possible) resolution of issues that customers have with the ported products (kernel-mode drivers or user-mode modules)


Full-time position with remote work, flexible schedule, and negotiable compensation (flat salary + bonus). Visits to the head office of the product owner in the US are possible.

About the project:

The line of products that currently belong to Callback Technologies, Inc. Most of the products utilize own kernel-mode drivers, built in-house by Allied Bits engineers.

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