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  4. Работа Office manager в Киеве
  5. Office manager
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Office manager

  3 декабря 2024  Киев 
Компания: Mobilunity  ( (Все вакансии)
Рубрики:Офисный персонал


Контактное лицо:Khrystyna Vashchyshyn

Пожелания к сотруднику

Образование:не имеет значения
Опыт работы:от года
График работы:полный рабочий день

Описание вакансии

Main responsibilities:

  • providing an assistance to a Resource Management team in all activities related to a developer’s and client’s paths in the company;
  • support Resource Management team in reporting and invoicing process;
  • travel management supervision;
  • stats preparation and researches handling on a request;
  • help in organization of team-buildings;
  • maintaining and sending reports;
  • time-tracking activities control.

Few words about the ideal candidate:

  • previous experience in IT at least - 1 year;
  • excellent computer skills with Google Drive;
  • attention to detail and multi-tasking skills;
  • ability to prioritize work, challenge-oriented, results-oriented personality;
  • excellent verbal and written communication skills with an emphasis on confidentiality, tact, and diplomacy;
  • positive attitude, people-oriented and have good interpersonal skills;
  • English — Upper-Intermediate;
  • higher education.

Joining the team you will get:

  • the friendliest community of like-minded IT-people;
  • open knowledge-sharing environment — exclusive access to a rich pool of colleagues willing to share their endless insights into the broadest variety of modern technologies;
  • paid vacations and sick leaves, including 5 paid days per year that don’t require a sick note;
  • fair salary and 100% taxes coverage — don’t worry about possible taxes raise — we will get you covered;
  • the ability to work remotely or from the office in Kyiv (there is a generator and starlink for uninterrupted work);
  • comfortable working conditions in the office — no open spaces, separate rooms for the comfort of each team and several rest and play areas on all 2 floors;
  • corporate events, numerous interest groups.



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