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Охранник на круизный лайнер

31 400 грн.
  1 июня 2020  Одесса 
Компания: ISMIRA  ( (Все вакансии)
Рубрики:Охрана, безопасность; Работа за рубежом

Пожелания к сотруднику

Образование:полное высшее
Опыт работы:от двух лет
График работы:полный рабочий день

Описание вакансии

Ismira-Odessa are searching for the candidates for work on Royal Caribbean / Celebrity Cruises! Skype Interview!

Security Guard — Salary from $ 1163, Contract 26−34 weeks.

Responsible for the control of entry to the ship, do the screening of the guests, ship crew as well as their luggage.

Shortly, if you have worked in the airport/hotel/army/maritime/police environemnt and KNOW THE PROCEDURES OF ACCESS CONTROL/SECURITY SCREENING PROCESS AND EQUIPEMENT, this job is for you!

Candidate Requirements:

  • 21+ years old
  • males/females!
  • Security experience mandatory — in total 4 years experience in Army/Maritime/Aviation/Police or Hotel Security environment,
  • Enthusiastic, high-energy personality
  • Customer- orientated, positive attitude
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Fluent spoken English skills

Why it is super cool to work on Royal Caribbean?

  • Reliable Employer — one of the cruise industry leaders
  • Gaining international experience
  • Competitive salary (find out when apply)
  • Medical insurance provided during contract
  • Free food & accomodation (2 people per cabin)
  • Perfect chance to travel the world
  • Enjoy activities for crew (gym, social activities, crew events, etc)
  • Earn recognition and career advancement opportunities
  • Special conditions: Tattoos are acceptable for Royal brand if not offensive
  • Joining ticket paid by the company!

Looking forward for your resumes to отправить резюме

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be more than happy to assist you!

Contact Phone : ...40 991

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