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  4. Работа Программист Test automation engineers  в Киеве
  5. Программист Test automation engineers 
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Программист Test automation engineers 

120 000 грн.
 15 декабря 2021  Киев 
Компания: Jobberry Oy  ( (Все вакансии)
Рубрики:IT, WEB специалисты

Пожелания к сотруднику

Образование:не имеет значения
Опыт работы:от пяти лет
График работы:полный рабочий день

Описание вакансии

Test automation engineers


We are hiring experienced Test Automation Engineers to different positions and projects. We are interested in test automation experts with varying skill sets. To get an idea what kind of professionals we need, we value for example following aspects in your background:

5 years or more work experience in quality assurance and one or more testing software

Solid skills with multiple test automation related frameworks/tools/libraries (such as Robot Framework, Jenkins, Selenium, Jira, JUnit, Docker etc.)

Ability to script with at least one programming language

Experience in agile environment (e.g. DevOps, Scrum)

Work experience of testing embedded devices and/or web services

Understanding of various test processes, types and methods

In order to find the right position for you and describe your experience and areas of interest. The potential candidates will be invited to an interview for further discussion.

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