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  5. Remote Ruby Developer
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Remote Ruby Developer

30 000 грн.
  4 апреля 2019  Киев 
Компания: Gallagher Grace  ( (Все вакансии)
Рубрики:IT, WEB специалисты

Пожелания к сотруднику

Образование:полное высшее
Опыт работы:от двух лет
График работы:удаленная работа

Описание вакансии

An exciting Australian Based IT Development company is seeking a new ruby developer to join our team on a part time basis (around 20hrs per week)

We are a Custom Software Development company developing systems for a range of industries, as a service based industry our core product is our people. We have a different approach to our people and its our approach to recruitment. We recruit a remote first workforce, allowing us to tap into people people looking for fulltime remote roles for increased flexibility. We also concentrate our recruitment in Eastern Europe where the skillset is high. We do not recruit in standard IT location areas and prefer a higher skilled workforce higher paid workforce. This allows us to offer a scalable workforce with excellent value for money to our clients.

As a remote first, Agile, English speaking development company led by an ex-software developer, we always strive to produce quality of quantity and want developers to take their time. Test coverage and unit tests are the cornerstone of our development and we use cloud and CI/CD technologies for out deployment processes. You will be working on a client project as the first developer, our company has a wider development team of nearly 10, along side a team of 10 Automation QA engineers and 3 Business Analysts.

Our workflow is simple using Jira for our tickets and git-flow from our branching. All code is peer reviewed and must go through a pull request prior to being merged. Tests are also run against the builds to ensure compatibility and no further impacts.

Responsibilities and Duties:

Develop a platform based on Ruby
Collaborates with business analysts and QA analysts
Research's and recommends new and modem technology solutions
Thrive reviewing code and proposing more generic methods



OOP, Design Patterns, Development Principles
Unit/Integration testing experience
Ability to work independently and handle multiple tasks simultaneously
Responsible and team oriented

If this is you get in touch, we will be looking to give you a test task to complete. Once you have completed this test task it will be reviewed by our team and we will then be in touch for a further interview.

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