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  5. Android developer
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Semkov Stanislav

Android developer

 17 августа 2023  Город: Киев
Возраст:25 лет
Режим работы:удаленная работа, частичная занятость
Рубрики: IT, WEB специалисты
Готов к командировкам
или зарегистрируйтесь на сайте как работодатель, чтобы видеть контактную информацию.



National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

Information Technologies, Software engineering, Kyiv Bachelor's degree (2018- 2023)

Kamianets-Podilskvi Ivan Ohiienko National University Faculty of Physical Training, Physical Therapy, Ergo therapy Master's


(2017 -2023)


- Android App Development/Android SDK

- Java/Kotlin Programming - Object Oriented Design

- SOL/Room/Firebase


- UI Layouts and Widgets

- Background Operations - Data Persistence

- Debugging and Troubleshooting - Source Code Control (Git)

- Build Tools (Maven)

- Spring Framework

- Good knowledge of Android UI design principles, patterns,

and best practices


Highly motivated Android Developer with a background in Computer Science, understanding of Object Oriented Design and Programming concepts, and a passion for creating innovative mobile communication products. Seeking to contribute my skills and experience to a dynamic Development team in developing next- generation Android apps. Eager to collaborate with cross-functional teams and advance my expertise in Android application development


Junior java developer in EPAM, work with Spring Framework on medical project for 4 month in 2020.

Android App Developer

- Collaborated with a small team to develop apps for mobile

some arcades games.

- Worked closely with app developers, web product developers,

and server-side infrastructure teams to ensure seamless


- Implemented UI layouts, widgets, and internationalization

features to enhance user experience.

- Developed background operations for efficient data

processing and minimized user disruptions.

- Utilized Java and Android development tools to write clean,

maintainable code.

- Utilized Git for version control, ensuring efficient

collaboration and code management.

- Diagnosed and resolved app crashes and unexpected

behavior through effective debugging techniques.

- Contributed to the development of data persistence strategies for maintaining app state.


- [Desert dynasty] Developed an Android app that

incorporated real-time data synchronization between mobile devices and a web-based platform.

- [Benchmark] Designed and implemented a Ul layout overhaul, resulting in a 30% increase in user engagement.


- Web Academy (2019- 2020) - Front-end

- FoxMinded(2020) -Full Java Course with personal mentor - Android App Development Certification (2022-2023)

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