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  4. Резюме C/C++ software engineer (Senior-lead) в Киеве
  5. C/C++ software engineer (Senior-lead)
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Зайченко Валентин

C/C++ software engineer (Senior-lead)

 11 февраля  Город: Киев
Возраст:41 год
Режим работы:полный рабочий день, удаленная работа, разовая работа
Рубрики: IT, WEB специалисты
или зарегистрируйтесь на сайте как работодатель, чтобы видеть контактную информацию.


Zaychenko Valentyn

Birth date: 03 December 1983

Region: Kyiv

Senior/Lead C/C++ Developer

Base information

C/C++ experience in commercial projects – more than 20 years.

Intel x86/64 Assembler experience - more than 10 years.

Big development experience under OS Windows and UNIX/Linux.

Excellent knowledge STL, BOOST.

Knowledge Qt.

Knowledge OpenCV.

Know at the junior level such script languages: LUA, SQL, Python, Shell, Go.

Have experience in micro-teams managing.

Work experience

Senior Software Engineer/Technical Team Lead

April 2020 - present time

SoftConstruct Ukraine

MSSQL Replicator

The project is designed to track changes in the database based on binary replication logs.

  • Role: Principal Engineer/Technical Team Lead.
  • Parse binary transaction operation (such as INSERT, MODIFY, DELETE etc.).
  • Development crypto network protocol.
  • Development of the Parser module.
  • Development of the WatchDog module.
  • Port the File Reader module from Linux to Windows.
  • Technologies: Git, Docker, Google Cloud SDK, Prometheus, C++20/23, MSSQL, SQLite, Bash, STL, Boost, ZeroMQ, Kafka, Zookeeper, WinAPI
  • OS: Linux, Windows.

AJNA project

The project is designed to track objects and players at sport events.

  • Capturing video using Argus SDK.
  • Video stream processing using CUDA/OpenCV.
  • Python modules development. The code is written in C++, the development of Python bindings.
  • GStreamer plugins development.
  • Technologies: Git, Docker, Google Cloud SDK, C/C++17, Python, Bash, STL, Boost, ZeroMQ, CUDA, OpenCV, GStreamer
  • OS: Linux, Embedded Linux (NVIDIA Jatson)

Senior Software Engineer

July 2018 – April 2020


• Development services of the middle-layer level for the Crane ALIOP Pro payment service.

• Technologies: C/C++14, Python, LUA, SQL, STL, Boost, Protobuf, ZeroMQ, OpenSSL.

• OS: Linux.

Senior/Lead C++ Developer

January 2016 - Jule 2018

UNiT Co.

• Development of the registrar of settlement operations for Ukrposhta - fiscal and non-fiscal modules. Technologies: C/C++11, SQLite (development encryption codec with my own AES and Blowfish implementation), ZeroMQ, BOOST, STL.

• Development of a software package that allows to create personal identification cards for the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the National Police of Ukraine. Technologies: C/C++11, SQLite, BOOST, STL, Windows, UTTOPPAN SDK, Canon SDK.

• Development of the GPE (Graphical Protection Element). Technologies: C/C++14, BOOST, STL, OpenCV.

• Development of the QR generator and reader. Technologies: C++11, STL, BOOST, OpenCV.

• OS: Windows, Linux.

Lead C++ Developer

March 2015 - December 2015

Web Sun Group

• Development of a system of protection against hacking and analysis of the final product (Windows) - Anti-Debug, Anti-Cracking, Crypting, Polymorphing.
• Development of a module for collecting and calculating statistics - NGINX-plugin, Linux, C/C ++.
• Development and implementation of a system for injecting security scripts into browsers, including HTTPS streams.
• Development of a real-time proxy for RTB, used RTBKIT C++.

• Technologies: Assembler x86/x64, C++, WinAPI, BOOST, STL, ZeroMQ, Google Protobuf, Shell, MySQL.

• OS: Windows, Linux.

Team-Lead, Senior C++ Developer

September 2012 - February 2015

Favbet Co.

• Development, monitoring and implementation of the Fav-TV service.
• Head of development department.

• Technologies: C++11, FFMPEG, ZeroMQ, Protobuf, BOOST, STL.

• OS: Linux

Senior C++ Developer

February 2011 - August 2012

SGCM Partners

• Implementation of trading client connectors to obtain exchange prices and to make transactions.
• Implementation of trading bots
• Performance optimizations.

• Technologies: C/C++, ZeroMQ, Protobuf, GLib, BOOST, STL, Python.

• OS: Linux

Engineer Software Developer

September 2009 - December 2010


• Development of code for encoding/decoding audio/video streams.

• Development of code for transmitting audio/video streams from the SDI track and from video cameras via FireWire.
• Development of code for playing audio/video streams in a TV channel via SDI.
• Development of an echo cancellation code for sound transmission.

• Technologies: C/C++, Erlang, BOOST, STL, DeckLink SDK, FFMPEG, RTMP, RTP.

• OS: Linux

Senior C++ Developer

October 2007 - August 2009


• Development of the architecture and intermodular interaction.

• GUI development using Windows API.

• Porting and adapting code from 32-bit to 64-bit architecture.

• Technologies: C/C++, Delphi, Assembler, STL, Windows API.

• OS: Linux, Windows.

Leading Antivirus Core Engineer

September 2006 - August 2007


• Analysis of viruses written for Windows and Linux with the addition of their signatures to the Antivirus database.

• Development of viral heuristics based on neural networks.

• Development of a disassembler for Intel x86 processors (including commands i686, FPU, MMX, SSE, SSE2)

• Development of a code execution emulator for Intel x86 processors (including commands i686, FPU, MMX)

• Technologies: C/C++, Delphi, Assembler, Windows API, STL.

• OS: Windows

Leading Antivirus Core Engineer

Febrary 2003 - September 2006

Ukrainian National Antivirus

• Analysis of viruses written for Windows and Linux with the addition of their signatures to the Antivirus database.

• Development of technologies for the detection of polymorphic and metamorphic viruses.

• Low level speed code optimizations for various processors (AMD and Intel).

• Utility development using C/C ++ and Delphi for internal use.

• Technologies: C/C++, Delphi, Assembler, Windows API, STL.

• OS: Windows

Language skills

English - pre-intermediate

Russian - native

Ukrainian - native

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