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Резюме Construction engineer
Шимків Ігор

Construction engineer

  8 января 2024  Город: Львов
Возраст:40 лет
Режим работы:полный рабочий день
Рубрики: Строительство, архитектура; Работа за рубежом
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Опыт работы

Construction Engineer
Banyan bay trading (FMCG-компанія, базована в США, працює в Гамбії, Західна Африка) (FMCG), Львов
08.2019 − 12.2023 (4 года 3 месяца)

Banyan bay trading (FMCG Company, USA-based, operating in The Gambia, West Africa)

  • Reconstruction of a warehouse into a production space: complete transformation of the premises, including layout and finishing.
  • Construction of extensions from scratch: project development, organization, and execution of all construction works.
  • Installation of drywall in 3 levels: complex interior finishing works requiring precision and quality.
  • Plastering works from facade to interior finishing: expertise in processing various surfaces and creating high-quality finishes.
  • Fabrication and installation of advertising billboards from scratch: design, creation, and installation of outdoor advertising.
  • Welding work on various metal structures: from entrance doors to truss for awnings, demonstrating precise welding skills.
  • Tile laying: professional execution of surface tiling works.
  • Fabrication of self-leveling floors: high-quality work using modern materials.
  • Various minor construction and plumbing repairs: ability to perform a wide range of repair works.
 Есть рекомендации с данного места работы
General Construction Worker
Work at various sites in Ukraine, Poland (Construction), Киев
01.2004 − 08.2019 (15 лет 7 месяцев)

During this period, I worked as a versatile construction professional across multiple sites in Ukraine and Poland, handling a broad range of construction tasks with adaptability and skill. This role required a strong understanding of different construction techniques and the ability to quickly adapt to diverse project requirements. My responsibilities included everything from basic construction and repair work to more complex tasks, demonstrating flexibility and a commitment to quality in all aspects of construction work.

Знание языков:

Английский - Средний, Украинский - Профессиональный (эксперт), Русский - Продвинутый (свободно)

Дополнительная информация

Личные качества, хобби, увлечения, навыки: SOFT SKILLS • Responsibility: Adherence to quality standards and deadlines. • Teamwork: Ability to collaborate effectively in a team setting. • Professionalism: Strict compliance with safety norms and work ethics. • Alcohol-free: Maintaining high work efficiency. • Adaptability: Quick learning of new skills and technologies. • Attention to Detail: Meticulousness in all types of work. • Problem-Solving: Effective approach to complex tasks.
Цель поиска работы, пожелания к месту работы: Aspiring to obtain a position as a builder where I can leverage my extensive experience in plastering, drywall construction, and painting to contribute to the successful completion of projects and the achievement of company goals. At the moment I'm

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