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Pidvirna Natalia

Customer support specialist

20 000 грн.
 30 ноября 2021  Город: Львов
Возраст:39 лет
Режим работы:полный рабочий день
Рубрики: IT, WEB специалисты; Телекоммуникации и связь; Работа за рубежом
 Есть дети  Готова к командировкам
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Pidvirna Nataliia

Personal information:

Lviv city

Date of birth: 20/05/1985

Work experience

1.08.2021- including now

Work for “”

support specialist for the Norwegian market

13.11.2020 -

work for W-AIX

sales manager Croatian market

2017-2020 lived in Norway


worked in «» Helped order things, performed tasks for the manager


worked in Norway at the «Leroy» fish factory

May 2014 – December2016

“Multy Service Group” LLC"
HR-manager, Assistant of Director, event-manager:

  • Control of timely fulfilment by employees of issued orders and instructions;
  • Planning of working day of Director (meetings, calls, reception of visitors etc.);
  • Accompaniment of Director during business meetings and business trips;
  • Preparation of projects, orders and instructions of Director;
  • Recruitment of employees, adaptation of personnel;

February 2013-February 2014

“Agro Centre-Halychyna” LLC

Manager of administrative activities

  • Management of Administrative Department of Enterprise
  • Administrative coordination and communication
  • Participation in forming of stuff politicts of Enterprise
  • Operational Accounting
  • Recruitment and adaptation of employees

February 2012 – February 2013

Voloshyna L. V. PE
Director of Shop

  • Controlling of operational work: control of sales revenue, cooperation with suppliers etc.
  • Recruitment and adaptation of employees
  • Concluding of agreements
  • Accounting

September 2008 – February 2012

Sorokach M. I.

Owner of shop, Chief Accountant

  • Controlling of operational work
  • Recruitment and adaptation of personnel
  • Accounting:
  • -Inventory and preparation of all related reporting
  • -Development and implementation of primary accounting documents
  • -Preparation and submitting of reporting to Pension Fund, all state Social Insurance Funds, Tax Administration etc.
  • -Accounting of operations: customer-supplier
  • -Controlling of timely payments etc.


2004-2008 Lviv National University named by Ivan Franko. Economic faculty.

Specialty: Financ

1998-2004 Lviv cooperative college Of Economics and Law

Specialty: Accountant – Economist

Additional Education:
2010 – 2011 Computer courses

Prometheus courses from softserve QA/QC

Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence (DWBI)
(DQE) EPAM University

Knowledge of languages

English-speaking, studying

Norwegian-speaking, studying


Polish-medium level

Ukrainian, Russian-fluent

Driving licenses - category B

Personal qualities:

  • Ability to work in team;
  • Drivenness, results oriented;
  • Flexibility / ability to work with few tasks at the same time;
  • Sense of humor.

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