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  5. Front end developer
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Povroznyk Mikhailo

Front end developer

 15 мая 2024  Город: Тернополь
Возраст:19 лет
Режим работы:полный рабочий день, свободный график работы, удаленная работа
Рубрики: IT, WEB специалисты
или зарегистрируйтесь на сайте как работодатель, чтобы видеть контактную информацию.




GitHub: →


Full Stack Developer with experience in JS/TS, React, Node.js. I thrive in collaborative environments

where I can leverage my problem-solving skills to tackle challenges and contribute to innovative

solutions. With a keen eye for detail and a dedication to continuous learning, I am committed to

delivering high-quality code and exceeding expectations in every project I undertake.


Frontend Developer, Teachers Rate, College Order Project

Developed a user-friendly interface.

Used methods of working with state for better data management.

Optimized the app for better performance.

Implemented new features to improve user experience.

Developed the architecture for the client side.

April 2024 - Pressent


Social Network Converso

I created a social networking platform using

React and Redux for the front-end, and

Node.js with Express for the back-end.

MongoDB was employed as the database.

This combination allowed for a responsive

user interface, efficient state management,

and scalable backend architecture.

Calendar PlanWell

This web application, built with React,

TypeScript, and Styled Components on the

front-end and Node.js, Express, and MongoDB

on the back-end, helps users organize and

manage tasks and calendar events.


Specialist of Computer Science

Sep 2020 - June 2024

Separate structural unit "Ternopil Vocational College" Ternopil National Technical University

named after Ivan Pulyuy

SoftServe DevOps Crash Course

Successfully completed the course and got certification.

March 2024- May 2024


Technical Skills:

Client-side: React, JavaScript, TypeScript, Redux, React Query, HTML, CSS, Tailwind,


Server-side: Node.js, Express, MongoDB, PostgreSQL.

Development & Operations: Docker, Git, GitHub, Bash.

Soft Skills: Problem-Solving, Teamwork, Adaptability, Communication Skills, Hardworking.

Languages: Ukraine - native, English - intermediate.

Certifications: DevOps Crash Course (SoftServe), EF SET English Certificate (B1 Level).

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