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Резюме Java developer
Санжаровский Артур

Java developer

18 000 грн.
  1 декабря 2022  Город: Харьков
Возраст:26 лет
Режим работы:свободный график работы, удаленная работа, плавающий график работы
Рубрики: IT, WEB специалисты; Работа за рубежом; Другие предложения
Готов к командировкам
или зарегистрируйтесь на сайте как работодатель, чтобы видеть контактную информацию.


Young, motivated to career growth Java developer. Currently, I am looking for new opportunities in Java Software Engineering. I have 1 year of practice, some of my projects you can see at my GitHub link. I have strong knowledge of Java Core. Experience with Git, SQL, Spring, Hibernate and n-tier projects. A very communicative and communicative person. I like to work in a team and joke a lot. Looking for opportunities to prove myself to the company and learn new things.


  • Technologies/Frameworks: Java Core, Java 8, Collections, JavaFX, OOP, SOLID, Spring, Hibernate

  • Web Development: Servlets, Tomcat, JSP, HTML/CSS, XML, JSON.

  • Spring (Spring Core, Spring Web, Spring Security, SpringBoot).

  • Database: JDBC, Hibernate, MySQL, PostgreSQL,H2.

  • Version Control and Tools: Git, GitHub, Maven, JUnit.

  • Enterprise/integration design patterns.

  • Patterns: Strategy, Builder, Fabric, Singleton

  • Operating systems: Linux, Windows.

  • IDE — IntelliJ IDEA, Atom, Visual Studio

  • Algorithms: Solved 57 katas on CodeWars

  • English: Intermediate

  • Ukrainian: native

  • Russian: native

  • Italian: basic


Java Developer,

Training projects, Aug 2022 - Oct 2022

  • Taxi service GitHub

Technologies: JDBC, Servlet, SQL, JSTL, MySQL

Description: It is a great service for taxi companies , where you can manage your cars,

manufacturers and drivers. There is also a possibility to register and authenticate drivers and manage their cars.

  • Cinema app GitHub

Technologies: Hibernate, Spring, Spring MVC, Spring Security, SQL

Description: It is a great app , which allows you to manage the life of a cinema. There is a

possibility to register and authenticate users, who can add some tickets of a certain movie and cinema hall to his shopping cart and then buy them.

EDUCATIONH.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University - teacher of history and archeology


  • Java course at Mate academy (OOP, Java 8+, Spring, Hibernate, SpringBoot, Multithreading)

  • SQL course at Mate Academy

  • Java course at GeekBrains


  • CodeWars [289 Honor]

  • Udemy: “Java get a black belt” from Zaur Tregulov

  • Book: “Java: The Complete Reference”, Herbert Schildt

  • Book: “Java Programming for Beginners”, Mike McGrath


  • In three years in the restaurant industry, I got promoted from waiter's assistant to bar manager

  • Was the head news editor of 4 Telegram channels in Russian/Ukrainian/English

  • In high school, I won the Olympiad of World History

  • Played soccer, a former player of the junior FK Arsenal Kharkiv, and a number of amateur teams

  • Played volleyball, together with my school team I won district competitions and played in regional competitions. After that, because of my short stature, I could only play at amateur level.

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