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  4. Резюме Junior Front-End Developer в
  5. Junior Front-End Developer
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Хоанг Дик Чінь

Junior Front-End Developer

  5 мая 2022  Город: Львов
Возраст:32 года
Режим работы:удаленная работа
Рубрики: IT, WEB специалисты
 Состою в браке  Есть дети  Готов к командировкам
или зарегистрируйтесь на сайте как работодатель, чтобы видеть контактную информацию.



To get a position of Junior/Trainee FrontEnd Developer


Responsible and self-motivated person, who is looking for professional growth.

Professional Skills

Programming Languages:

  • JavaScript
  • Frameworks/Libraries:
  • React Redux

FrontEnd technologies:

  • HTML
  • FlexBox
  • Grid

Graphics Editors:

  • Figma
  • Photoshop

Source Controls:

  • GIT


  • English language level – pre-intermediate
  • Ukrainian language level – native
  • Russian language level – native
  • Vietnamese language level – native
  • German language level – beginner

Work experience

EasyCode (Student) July 2019 – March 2020

  • Using markup languages like HTML to create user-friendly web pages.
  • Performing cross browser development and testing to follow design requirements.

I finished this course with the highest grade in the group. During the layout of the final project, I was appointed the team-lead of our sub-group coped with our task successfully. In the project we used: GIT, SAAS, JQuery, GULP.


International economics

September 2009 – February 2015

Kharkiv National University of Economics

Obtained the MS degree

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