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  5. Junior Java developer
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Тука Володимир

Junior Java developer

16 000 грн.
  2 февраля 2024  Город: Львов
Возраст:19 лет
Режим работы:полный рабочий день, удаленная работа, сезонная работа
Рубрики: IT, WEB специалисты
Готов к командировкам
или зарегистрируйтесь на сайте как работодатель, чтобы видеть контактную информацию.


Tuka Volodymyr
Java Developor


About myself

Of personal qualities, I consider the most positive are stress resistance, adaptability and the ability to communicate effectively, I am hardy and patient, in my opinion it is indispensable qualities for work in IT. I am excited to continue learning and growing as a Java Developer, and look forward to work on innovative and challenging projects with like-minded professionals. 


Hyperskill Java (2022)
Hyperskill SQL (2023)
Hyperskill Spring Security for Java Backend Developers (2023)


SQL (PostgreSQL, MySQL),
NoSQL (MongoDB),

JDBC Java (Core, Collections, Stream API, OOP)
Spring (Framework, Boot, MVC, Data JPA, Security,
Web, Mail, Session)
Gradle, Maven
Web Services (REST API),

JUnit, Mockito, TDD
Thymeleaf, HTML/CSS,


Docker, Git
Design Patterns

English - B1
Ukranian - Native

Personal Projects

Banking Web Service (2023)
It is a web service that provides functionality for managing banking transactions and financial accounting.

Java (Stream API, Core, Collections, OOP), Spring (Boot, Security, Data JPA, Mail, Web, MVC), Web Services (REST API), Hibernate, SQL, MySQL, JUnit, Mockito, TDD, ACID, SOLID, Maven.

Web Marketplace(2023)
The Marketplace project is a robust e-commerce platform. It provides a seamless and user-friendly interface for buying and selling a wide range of products.

Java (Stream API, Core, Collections, OOP), Spring (Boot, Security, Data JPA, Web, MVC, Mail, Session), Hiberate, SQL, PostgreSQL, SOLID, Gradle, Thymeleaf, HTML/CSS, Docker.


Software engineering
National Forestry University of Ukraine (2022-2026)

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