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  4. Резюме Junior javascript-react developer (Trainee) в
  5. Junior javascript-react developer (Trainee)
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Резюме Junior javascript-react developer (Trainee)
Ігнатій Вячеслав

Junior javascript-react developer (Trainee)

6 000 грн.
 15 января 2021  Город: Винница
Возраст:29 лет
Режим работы:полный рабочий день, удаленная работа
Рубрики: IT, WEB специалисты
или зарегистрируйтесь на сайте как работодатель, чтобы видеть контактную информацию.


Viacheslav Ihnatii

- Contact Information -



Phone: +380639888064 GitHub:

- Education -

Mikhail Kotsyubynsky Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University (2013 - 2018) – Mathematics

- Experience - SFCC Web Developer

- Raccoon LLC - 01.20/07.20 - Ukraine, Vinnytsia

General experience Successfully completed studying JavaScript and Business Managers tasks provided by company.


- Job creation (code writing and BM configuring);

- Configuring Storefront in BM;

- Integration Nova Poshta API;

- Features implementation (mainly backend).

Main achievements: SFRA development experience, get ability to understand legacy code, learned how to find bugs and fix it fast.

- Skills -

Main skills: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, React, React Native. Experince with JQuerry, Express.js, Axios, Mongoose, Bootstrap, ES6+, REST, Redux, React-Redux, Redux-Thunk.

React Libs: React-Router, Material-Ui, Carousel.

React-Native Libs: React-Native-Elements, Async-Storage, Picker, Tabs, Tipsi-stripe.

Tools: SourceTree, GitHub, Jira.

Personal Skills: Analytical skills, problem solving, self-discipline, time management, tress resistance, multitasking, responsibility.

Social: Collaboration, active listening, empathy, respect, ability to receive criticism.

- Language -

Ukraine: Native, Russian: Native, English: Pre-Intermediate.

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