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  5. Junior Ui-Ux
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Kutsokon Olgha

Junior Ui-Ux

10 000 грн.
 24 ноября 2020  Город: Харьков
Возраст:27 лет
Режим работы:полный рабочий день, дополнительный заработок
Рубрики: IT, WEB специалисты; Дизайн, творчество
Готова к командировкам
или зарегистрируйтесь на сайте как работодатель, чтобы видеть контактную информацию.


Olgha Kutsokon UI/UX designer

Date of Birth : 20.08.1997

• Figma advanced skills

• Adobe XD experience

• Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop basic skills

• Experience in creating userflows in Miro

• Experience in working with different clients

• English level: Intermediate

• Russian & Ukrainian native speaker

• Polish level: Intermediate, currently studying

Employment history


More information

Lemon School (July 2020 - October 2020) Course: UI/ UX design + prototyping

Remote Helpers – 09.2020 to now Job position: Designer (part-time employment) Participation: Creation of banners, advertisements, landing pages and mobile versions. Sometimes I create and draw logos and simple illustrations Freelance – June 2020 to now Job position: UX/UI designer

More information

8 ½ Cinema – 11.2015 – 07.2016

Job position: Administrator Participation: Creating reports about cash flow. Preparing documentation in “1C” Checking documentation and cash reports.

Food services - 01.2017 – 11.2018 Job position: Bartender Participation: Creating of requests for goods ordering. Categorization of products. Record keeping.

Ukrsibbank – 02.2019– 03.2020 Job position: Financial consultant Participation: Grant, tender keeping. Creating FLP, Individual accounts. Financial records keeping. Credit procedure.

Remote Helpers – 03.2020 to now Job position: Personal Assistant Participation: Сompany search, doing lead generation, writing contracts, work in foreign companies on projects, customer service and feedback.

KHARKIV TRADE AND ECONOMIC INSTITUTE Kiev National University of Trade and Economics. Bachelor’s degree in Food Technology and Engineering (2014-2018) And KHARKIV TRADE AND ECONOMIC INSTITUTE Kiev National University of Trade and Economics Master’s degree in Accounting and Auditing (2018-2020)

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