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  5. Marine surveyor, Auditor
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Резюме Marine surveyor, Auditor
Butenko Yuriy

Marine surveyor, Auditor

40 000 грн.
 10 февраля  Город: Германия
 Готов к переезду в: Греция, Эстония, Болгария
Возраст:58 лет
Режим работы:полный рабочий день, удаленная работа, разовая работа
Рубрики: Производство; Руководство; Работа за рубежом
или зарегистрируйтесь на сайте как работодатель, чтобы видеть контактную информацию.



Surveyor/Auditor,Technical Dpt.

Exclusive Representative in Ukraine

Survey of ships in the repair and operations for compliance with the requirements of international conventions and codes. Supervision of construction and repair of ships on shipbuilding / ship repair facilities. Expert ISM and ISPS.

Long business trips to the shipyards in Greece, Germany, Turkey

Russian maritime register of shipping

Hull Surveyor

Survey of ships in the repair and operations for compliance with the requirements of international conventions and codes. Supervision of construction and repair of ships on shipbuilding / ship repair facilities. Expert ISM and ISPS.

Long business trips to the shipyards in Greece, Germany, Turkey

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