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Резюме Менеджер
Щербак Татьяна


10 000 грн.
 25 сентября 2020  Город: Харьков
Возраст:43 года
Режим работы:полный рабочий день
Рубрики: Офисный персонал; Торговля, продажи, закупки
 Есть дети  Готова к командировкам
или зарегистрируйтесь на сайте как работодатель, чтобы видеть контактную информацию.


Shcherbak Tatyana

Sales manager

City: Kharkiv

Key information

Perspective work in a successfully developing company in a close-knit team, allowing to realize old and develop new skills

Personal skills

* literacy and attention to detail;

* fast learning;

* stress resistance;

* the ability to independently determine the priorities of the tasks and carry out work in a multitasking environment;

* organization;

* literacy;

* knowledge of English at a conversational level;

* neat, responsible, friendly;

PC skills - confident MS Office, Autocad, Internet user

Work experience

Sales manager

Nov 2019- Feb 2020

Unit Space

Search for potential customers, presentation of company services, communication with customers, lead generation, negotiation.

Customer service manager

Aug 2020 - Oct 2020

TSO School factory

Communication with customers, presentation of products, conclusion of contracts, processing of returns or refusals of goods.

Air ticket agent

Jun 2019 – Aug 2019

Ukrainian International Airlines

All calculations for booking, ticket cancelations, changes and so on in Amadeus.

Work in CRM

Account manager

Jan 2019 - Jun 2019


Calculation of the amount and cost of work, communication with the customer, other departments, experience in business corresponding.Work with CRM and another special programs .

Design Engineer 2 categories

Nov 2012 - Jan 2019

LLC "UA SYSTEM", LLC "Ukrsantehproject", LLC "Agropromzernoproject" , LLC "Geolink" ,LLC "OZONE", LLC "RETEL".

Execution projects of fire alarm and automatic fire extinguishing projects,TSSR, CPD and mobile projects, video surveillance of the object, cooperation with customers, related departments.

Electrical Engineer

Sep 2004 - Oct 2012 (8 years 2 month)

LLC "Ukrenergysetproject"

Implementation of projects for 10.35-330 kV overhead lines. Cooperation and negotiations with other organizations, customers, departments, student learning.


Kharkiv National Academy of Municipal Economy

Year of ending 2004

Electricity and lighting of cities, electrical engineer

Language proficiency

English - upper-intermediate

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