Опыт работы
Senior Software engineer
01.2020 − По настоящее время (5 лет 2 месяца)
Server-side code development, knowledge sharing, research, data & code architecture design, quality & reliability. Migration MVC5 enterprise solution from .Net framework 4.8 to .Net 5.
Technologies: .Net 5, ASP.Net Core, PostgresSQL / MS SQL Server 2019 / SQLite, OAuth2, RabbitMQ, SignalR, NUnit, Moq, FakeItEasy, Bogus, REST, Azure, DevOps, Jira, Scrum.
Senior .NET developer (Core, Web)
Individual entrepreneurs possessing (IT)
10.2019 − 01.2020 (3 месяца)
Development of task management services and automatically created task blocks for workflows. Development of mobile conducting surveys system with WEB-portal for managing and analyzing.
Technologies: .Net Core 3.1, ASP.Net Core Blazor, Xamarin.Forms, MS SQL Server 20XX / SQLite.
Senior .NET developer (Core, Web)
06.2019 − 01.2020 (7 месяцев)
Independent development of digitization of client's business processes through microservices.
Technologies: Camunda BPM 7.11, Camunda REST API, .Net Core 2.2, RabbitMQ, Socet MS Visual Studio 2019, Sonarqube 7.6, Docker, Linux.
Senior .NET developer (Core, Web)
04.2018 − 12.2020 (2 года 7 месяцев)
Team-development of a monolithic and micro-service solution for online services and in-house bidding, required / custom, contrast, required, etc.
Technologies: .Net Core 2.2, RabbitMQ, MassTransit, Angular 6, Socket, Hangfier, MS SQL Server 2016, MS Visual Studio 2017, Sonarqube 7.6, Docker, Linux.
Full stack web developer
02.2016 − 03.2018 (2 года )
Independent development documents life cycle system of the office and developing as part of a scram team new project of contracts life management system.
Technologies: SharePoint server 2013, MSSQL server 2014, MS Visual Studio 2013, MS IIS 8, DHTML(jQuery, Underscore, less, CSS3), MSSQL Report Boulder 3.0, Powershell, spMetal.
Web Developer
08.2014 − 02.2016 (1 год 6 месяцев)
Duties and responsibilities: I'm as part of a team developing main opportunities of UI for all Terrasoft products.
Operational technologies: MS SQL 2008, MS Visual Studio 2012 (С#, ASP.NET MVC 4, ServiceStack 3, LINQ), IIS Express, Selenium, Siesta, JSCover, Cucumber, WebStorm, JSHint, JSCS, DHTML (Backbone, Ext JS 5, jQuery, RequireJS, Underscore, WebSocketJS, JsonDiffPatch, FileAPI, JsRander, Normalize.css, HTML 5, CSS 3), XML
Web Developer
01.2014 − 06.2014 (5 месяцев)
Duties and responsibilities: I'm as part of a team developing new product in Web for "Tinkoff Credit Systems".
Operational technologies: Oracle Database 11g, MS Visual Studio 2012 (С#, ASP.NET MVC 4, ServiceStack 2, Liquibase, LINQ), IIS Express, DHTML (Angular JS, jQuery, Underscore, Bootstrap 2.3, HTML 5, CSS 3), XML
Web Developer
06.2009 − 12.2013 (4 года 5 месяцев)
Duties and responsibilities: individually and as part of a team developing new and improving existing products in Web (Web, Web Service, Service).
Operational technologies: MS SQL 2008r2, MS Visual Studio 2012/2010/2008 (С#, ASP.NET 4.5, WCF, Entity Framework, LINQ), MS IIS 7.5/6, DHTML (HTML 5, CSS 3, JS, jQuery, Microsoft AJAX, SSI), XML (XSLT, XPath).
Web Developer
05.2007 − 03.2009 (1 год 9 месяцев)
Duties and responsibilities: individually and as part of a team developing new and improving existing products in Web and WinAPI.
Operational technologies: PostgreSQL 8.2, MS Visual Studio 2005/2003 (С#/VB), MS IIS 6, DHTML (CSS, Javascript, AJAX), Infragistics NetAdvantage for .NET 2007/2008.
Web Developer
Inter. University human development "Ukraine" (University)
10.2006 − 05.2007 (7 месяцев)
Duties and responsibilities: development, maintenance and support of a long-distance educational system "NeoCAD".
Operational technologies: MS SQL 8, MS Visual Studio 6.0 (VBasic), MS Component Services (COM+), MS IIS 6, DHTML (CSS, SSI, Javascript, VBScript)
Дополнительная информация
Знание компьютера, программ: My code portfolio:
About me:
I am an experienced developer and have got 15 years of total experience. I follow in developing the best practices and the recommendations of Microsoft. I also use tools that can check code quality. My main experience is web-solutions development. Last 4 years I develop web-solutions with the use micro-services architecture pattern and follow event-driven design. I have strong experience in developing and refactoring large enterprise solutions with a monolithic or microservice architecture, running under load both in the cloud and on dedicated servers.
My portfolio, https://gitlab.com/dcproject :
1) Independent development of a client library for use of RabbitMQ with simplified configuration and use of channels for publishing or waiting for messages, and with increased reliability of connection to the RabbitMQ server, regardless of the reasons and circumstances of its absence. 'Rabbit.client' project is located on github https://gitlab.com/dcproject/rabbit.client in public access.
2) Generic builder with attributes for converting class or array objects to Dapper table-valued parameters (TVP).
3) Auto build SQL queries of Sharepoint sites content database for difficult total reports at MSSQL server reporting services for Sharpoint 2013.
4) Subversion pre-commit hook that allow use JSHint and JSCS validators for check javascript files.
5) Web-service that uses XSLT templates to convert multiple RSS feeds and combines them into the XML tree.
6) Web grabber for loading, saving, processing and updating the content of web portals.
7) Service application for automatic check and transformation links into contents web-portal.
8) Independent system that allows accounting of attendance web pages and their parts, as well as user actions on web pages.
9) JS-widget that allows you to simply insert RSS feeds on your web-page of any web portal without any server-side code. This widget is used by users Yandex and iGoogle.
Technologies, API and program languages:
- .Net 5, ASP.Net Core/ASP.Net/ASP
- C#, JavaScript, SQL/Transact SQL
- LINQ, Entity Framework, Dupper ORM, ADO.NET
- RabbitMQ API, REST API, WebSocket
- XUnit, NUnit, ASP.Net Core Blazor
- Angular js, Ext JS, jQuery, Underscore, Bootstrap
- CamundaBPM API, MassTransit, Swagger
- TypeScript, Angular, WebSocket, Hangfier
- Powershell, С++, VB.Net, VB Script, indows Forms
- HTML, DOM, CSS3, Less, Sass, XML, XSLT, XPath
Environments for development, DBMS and OS:
- Ms SQL Server 20XX + Management Studio, SQLite,
- Ms Visual Studio 20XX, Visual Studio Code
- Azure DevOps, Microsoft Teams, WebStorm
- GIT, Jira, Redmine, Subversion (VisualSVN)
- RabbitMQ, Postman
- SharePoint server 2013, Powershell, spMeta
- Docker, Camunda
- Sonarqube7.6, Selenium, Siesta, JSCover, Cucumber
- Elastic, Prometheus, SoapUI 4.6, Oracle SQL Dev,
- Windows, IIS, IIS Express
Цель поиска работы, пожелания к месту работы: creating a quality product based on my experience, best development practices and modern technologies.