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QA Engineer

70 000 грн.
 18 февраля 2023  Город: Кременчуг
Возраст:40 лет
Режим работы:полный рабочий день, удаленная работа
Рубрики: IT, WEB специалисты


Redd Technologies:
July 2020 - August 2022
QA Engineer:
- Creating QA documentation (test cases and checklists);
- Participation in the testing process at all stages;
- Analysis and clarification of requirements;
- Reporting defects with detailed and accurate steps to
- Web testing - front, back;
- Writing and Supporting autotests on Web (Python);
- API testing (Postman);
- Writing collections in Postman for autotesting API;
- SQL;
- Take active part in collaboration with development teams;
- Participating in Agile meetings.

Milcbox Ltd:
March 2018 - July 2020
QA Engineer:
- Creating QA documentation (test cases and checklists);
- Analysis and clarification of requirements;
- Testing applications on mobile devices;
- Reporting defects with detailed and accurate steps to
- Web testing - front, back;
- Writing and Supporting autotests on Web (Python);
- API testing (Postman);
- Writing collections in Postman for autotesting API;
- SQL;
- Participating in Agile meetings.

Action Media Ltd:
January 2015– March 2018
Middle QA Engineer:
- Testing applications on mobile devices;
- Writing and Supporting autotests for android devices (Java);
- Creating QA documentation (test cases and checklists);
- Analysis and clarification of requirements;
- Reporting defects with detailed and accurate steps to
- Web testing - front, back;
- SQL;
- Writing and Supporting autotests on Web (Python);
- Participating in Agile meetings.

Hyuna International Ltd:
January 2014 – January 2015
Junior QA:
- Testing applications on mobile devices;
- Writing and Supporting autotests for android devices (Java);
- Reporting defects with detailed and accurate steps to
- Web testing - UI;

Written – Upper-Intermediate;
Spoken – Intermediate.
Tools and frameworks:
Selenium IDE, Jira, Agile (Scrum, Kanban), REST (Postman,
Swagger), Chrome Dev Tools, Google Docs, Google Sheets,
MySQL, Intellij IDEA, GID

- 8+ years commercial experience in web, mobile and cross-browser


- Skilled in creating QA documentation and planning;

- Experience in manual and auto testing;

- Strong understanding of web/mobile technologies, SDLC and


- Experience with test design techniques;

- Experience in API testing and REST API;

- Experience in Agile (Scrum);

- Experience in using Bug Tracking System (Jira);

- Hands-on experience in writing test documentation (reports,

manuals, checklists, test cases, etc.);

- Bug reports posting (Jira);

- Experience in SQL and noSQL databases;

- Experience in SEO (creation and promotion of sites in search

results Google and Yandex);

- Experience in google analytics and google adsense;

- Experience in front end (HTML, CSS);

- NSE 1 Certified;

- Familiar with Devtools;

- Knowledge of client-server architecture;

- Performance testing with Jmeter;

- Experience using Control Version Systems (Git);

- Experience with Windows command line;


- Responsible and sociable;

- Easy to learn new technologies;

- Desire to develop;

- Flexible, open mindset;

- Proactive position in quality improvements.

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