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  5. QA enginer, QC trainee
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Мазуркевич Марко

QA enginer, QC trainee

10 000 грн.
 11 августа 2021  Город: Львов
Возраст:20 лет
Режим работы:свободный график работы, удаленная работа, частичная занятость
Рубрики: IT, WEB специалисты; Работа без квалификации; Работа для студентов
или зарегистрируйтесь на сайте как работодатель, чтобы видеть контактную информацию.


Marko Mazurkevich

QA\QC trainee


Communication skills with customers, own shop on Instagram, experience in TV company "Rhythm" as a journalist, 4+ years of performing arts, graduated «Basics of software testing» on the Prometheus platform, I study at the Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Exchange Activities, participated in a software development project as an intern.

My goal is to get QA trainee/intern position as first work in IT industry.


Git basic

Html basic


SQL basic

Advanced Windows user


Writing test documentations, knowledge of test process (planning and control, analysis and design, implementation and enforcement, evaluation of results)


2021.07.25 – 2021.08.01

Project: FUNDAMENTALS OF SOFTWARE TESTING course on Prometheus

Description: During program I studied kind of testing, defects, test cases, test design techniques, features of writing test plan, test design specifications, traceability matrix. Features of analysis and writing requirements.

My role: learning QA/QC testing technologies.

Tools and technologies: types of test design techniques, software development models, components of testing process.


2021.06.01 – 2021.07.04

Project: Land Tracker

Description: Land Tracker is a platform for gathering real estate data from open sources and displaying it on the map in browser.

My Role: learning web technologies (HTML, CSS, JS)

Tools and technologies: Git, Github, Webstorm, HTML, CSS


2021-present – National University “Ivan Franko National University of Lviv”, department of economic.


  • English – C1
  • Russian – fluent
  • Ukrainian – native

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