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  3. Резюме в Горишних Плавнях
  4. Резюме Редактор, автор, менеджер в
  5. Редактор, автор, менеджер
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Полонська Юлія

Редактор, автор, менеджер

  8 октября  Город: Горишние Плавни
Возраст:27 лет
Режим работы:полный рабочий день, посменная работа, удаленная работа
Рубрики: Издательство, полиграфия; Наука, образование, переводы
или зарегистрируйтесь на сайте как работодатель, чтобы видеть контактную информацию.

Опыт работы

Editor in chief
NDA company (Marketing, IT)
05.2024 − 10.2024 (5 месяцев)

• Proofreading;

• Correction;

• Technical Task revision;

• Preparing text materials for publishing;

• Assisting authors in completing daily tasks;

• Re-writing;

• Working with language tools;

• Assessing and supervising text SEO optimization;

• Publishing with WordPress;

• Editing.

Apro Translation Scandinavia AB, Sweden (Linguistic Services)
05.2022 − 05.2024 (2 года )

• Establishing relationships with clients;

• Ensuring all deadlines are met and all parties are

satisfied with the workflow;

• Providing a continuous completion of daily tasks of

different volumes and complexity;

• Dealing with any kind of issues, including personal and

technical ones;

• Matching clients and linguists with the appropriate


• Worked with clients such as: BMW, JCB, Durr Dental,

Kannegiesser, Karl Storz, KaVo Dental, TeamViewer,

Google and others;

• Creating CAT guides when needed;

• Supporting linguists on any stage of their performance;

• Providing daily planning for ongoing projects.

Firefly Aerospace (Rocket science)
04.2021 − 03.2022 (10 месяцев)

• Fact checking;

• Dealing with articles of various complexity, including:

dating, IT, technical, medical, chemistry, gambling,

gaming and others;

• Revision;

• Text editing;

• Wrote extended feedbacks for translators and authors

indicating issues found in work;

• Checked texts for spelling, syntax and punctuation errors

• Re-writing;

• Writing the article from scratch when needed;

• Checking texts for compliance with the policy of the

publishing house or project;

• Evaluating authors added to the team.

Benefit School, Ukraine (Education)
09.2019 − 01.2021 (1 год 4 месяца)

• Planning lessons;

• Teaching students of all ages;

• Providing individual lessons;

• Preparing to exams and tests;

• Composing final tests in the end of the year.

Bert School, Ukraine (Education), Кременчуг
09.2018 − 04.2019 (7 месяцев)

• Preparing lesson plans from scratch;

• Teaching kids of 3-5 y.o;

• Studying ways to work with children and make learning


• Providing individual lessons.

1st city hospital n.a Bohaevskiy, Ukraine (Medical), Кременчуг
01.2015 − 09.2018 (3 года 8 месяцев)

• Translation of medical documentation;

• Filling patient data for clinical trials;

• Running data record during procedures: blood tests,

colonoscopy, biopsy and others;

• Organization of clinical trial process: arranging safe

shipment of samples and data, ensuring patient is safe

during the trial;

• Processing SUSARs in cooperation with Local Ethical


• Lab accounting;

• Ensuring safe medication disposal;

• Leading trial web-sites;

• Working in the following fields: pulmonology,

gastroenterology, oncology and venereology


Дніпропетровський університет ім. А. Нобеля (Кременчуг)
полное высшее, 09.2014 − 07.2018 (3 года 9 месяцев)

Знание языков:

Английский - Продвинутый (свободно), Немецкий - Ниже среднего, Русский - Профессиональный (эксперт), Норвежский - Начальный

Дополнительная информация

Знание компьютера, программ: Plunet, Junction, Trados, WordPress, MemoQ, Phrase, Across, Microsoft Office
Личные качества, хобби, увлечения, навыки: • Project management • Individual approach to any kind of task or issue • Research • Flexible • Adaptable • High communication skills

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