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  4. Резюме Sales manager в
  5. Sales manager
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Iwuagwu Nnamdi

Professional resumeПрофессиональное резюме, в котором указаны: эл.почта, телефон, зарплата, опыт работы, образование и другая важная информация.Sales manager

40 000 грн.
  1 июня 2024  Город: Тернополь
Возраст:30 лет
Режим работы:полный рабочий день, удаленная работа
Рубрики: Логистика, доставка, склад; Телекоммуникации и связь; Торговля, продажи, закупки
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Опыт работы

sales manager
Benzel Logistics (Sales, Closing Leads and Customer Relations), Калиновка (Винницкая обл.)
11.2021 − 03.2024 (2 года 3 месяца)

I pitched my company's service to prospective clients, educating them on how my company can provide solutions to there logistical challenges. I also made sure our clients felt heard and supported, building relationships that lasted. Every day, I searched for new leads and ways to introduce our products to more people. I took the time to understand our offerings inside out, finding genuine ways to show their value to our clients. When it came to closing deals, I put my negotiation skills to work, always aiming for fair outcomes. Alongside all this, I stayed updated on market trends, eager to adapt and learn as needed. In my two years of experience as a logistician, I've had the opportunity to work on a variety of challenging projects that have helped me develop a strong foundation in logistics management. I coordinate with suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and transportation providers to ensure seamless movement of goods from origin to destination.

account manager
Capital Edge (Finance and insurance), Chicago
04.2020 − 10.2021 (1 год 5 месяцев)

I ensured our clients felt supported and valued, serving as their primary contact. Each day, I understood their needs, seeking ways our services could benefit them. Negotiating contracts and agreements was also a part of my role, always striving for mutually beneficial outcomes.
I consistently met and often exceeded our account management goals, delivering on promises and building trust with our clients. Although I did not secure monumental new business, my efforts contributed to a respectable 20% increase in revenue.

customer support Representative
Zenith Support (Telecommunications and Networking), Киев
04.2018 − 10.2019 (1 год 5 месяцев)

My responsibilities were to help customers with complaints and questions, give customers information about our products and services, take orders and process returns via phone calls, emails, or text messages. I was excellent at my job.


Uzhhorod National University
Computer Science
полное высшее, 07.2017 − 05.2021 (3 года 10 месяцев)
Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University
Business Management
полное высшее, 03.2012 − 06.2015 (3 года 3 месяца)

Знание языков:

Английский - Профессиональный (эксперт)
Дополнительно: I am a Native of English and I speak Excellently

Дополнительная информация

Знание компьютера, программ: PC User Mac User HTML CSS Javascript
Личные качества, хобби, увлечения, навыки: Concentration Competent oral and written language Teamwork Creativity Ability to analyze Fast typing Communicability Copywriting Knowledge of sales techniques Independent decision-making Technical support for users Attentiveness
Цель поиска работы, пожелания к месту работы: I'm known for being a dedicated team player, encouraging collaboration and supporting my colleagues to achieve shared goals. I'm a clear and empathetic communicator, skilled in problem-solving, and committed to the success of the team. My motto

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