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  4. Резюме Trener of health care в Киеве
  5. Trener of health care
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Резюме Trener of health care
Moukalled Amer

Professional resumeПрофессиональное резюме, в котором указаны: эл.почта, телефон, зарплата, опыт работы, образование и другая важная информация.Trener of health care

1 800 грн.
 28 июля 2021  Город: Киев
Возраст:66 лет
Режим работы:полный рабочий день, частичная занятость
Рубрики: Медицина, фармацевтика
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Опыт работы

Anesthesiologist Assistant
Hotel dieu de France (Hotel dieu de France ), n.A
04.1994 − По настоящее время (30 лет 10 месяцев)

, I train students who want to work in anesthesia and recovery

¤ My basic mission

I prepare the operating room well and as soon as the patient arrives I take a vein and I take his blood pressure and I put on the cardiac monitoring and we do the anesthesia with the anesthetist and then I do the intensive care anesthesia according to the operation

And sometimes we get an emergency at midnight until the next day

Many students come to learn anesthesia and I teach them .

I am Specialist in pediatric anesthesia surgery for Adults-Baby children's

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