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Суховій Олена


  3 мая 2022  Город: Киев
Возраст:34 года
Режим работы:полный рабочий день, удаленная работа
Рубрики: Юриспруденция, право
или зарегистрируйтесь на сайте как работодатель, чтобы видеть контактную информацию.


Sukhovii Olena

Jurist,  30 000 UAH, Remote work

Age: 31 рік

City: Київ

Work experience


з 01.2022 по 03.2022
EBSKIEV GROUP, Kyiv (Consulting company)

Drawing up contracts, claims, letters and translation into English. 

Jurist/State lawyer

з 03.2016 по 12.2021
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, Kyiv (economic sphere, protecting interest of Ukraine)

introducing the state interests of Ukraine in economical sphere.

Legal Assistant

з 02.2013 по 02.2016
Administrative court of Kyiv, Kyiv (judicial, trial)

- writing judgments, rulings and orders, organization and recording the process of the court session (hearing);
- studying the position of the Plaintiff and the Defendant, analyzing the dispute in accordance with the Ukrainian and foreign Law;
- forming a legal case and position.


з 09.2012 по 01.2013
Katerina Rubleva-individual entrepreneurs, Київ (elimination and registration of companies), Київ (registration and liquidation of legal entities)

The submission of documents for registration and liquidation of legal entities, LLC, a joint-stock enterprises, and the suspension of individual entrepreneurs, drawing up statements, complaints, collection of documents and documentation, cooperation with state authorities.


Kyiv national economic university of V. Hetman

Legal, Commercial Law, Kyiv, 2008 - 2013

Master of Law.

Additional information

- Knowledge of languages: Ukrainian, Russian - fluent, English level-Intermediate;
- Easy learning;
- The ability to actively, responsibly and timely execution of tasks;
- The ability to work with scientific, reference literature, the normative documents;
- Have good organizational & communication skills, dedication, punctuality;
- Doing sports, behave negatively to smoking, traveling.
Courses, workshops, certificate:
- Http:// - learning English at a level "Upper Intermidiate";
- Leavitt institute (Kyiv) 2008-2012. (Communication with foreign judges, lawyers, holding seminars in English on the theme "The trial: Ukraine& USA") - site http: //;
- Certificate of Knowledge of PC.

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