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  4. Работа Applied mathematician and programmer в Украине
  5. Applied mathematician and programmer
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Applied mathematician and programmer

100 000 грн. + %
  1 апреля 2024  Словакия 
Компания: Industrial Management Consulting   ( (Все вакансии)
Рубрики:IT, WEB специалисты


Телефон: +42(190)468-91-18
Контактное лицо:Елена Петрова

Пожелания к сотруднику

Образование:полное высшее
Опыт работы:от двух лет
График работы:удаленная работа

Описание вакансии

Job Type: Full-time

Modality : Remote work

Requirements :

  • University degree in Mathematics or Data science or AI or System automation
  • Profound knowledge of mathematical statistics, machine learning, applied mathematics
  • Strong experience in C++ and Python programming for at least 2 years (to be evaluated in a test)
  • Capacity to expand & use major open source frameworks including AI/ML libraries TensorFlow, PyTorch, SciPy, MLpack, etc. in system developments
  • Working usage of AI coding assistants (eg Autogen, GitHub Copilot, Cody, Codeium, Replit, CodeGeeX)
  • Excellent knowledge of Linux, docker, postgresql, k8s kubernetes, bash, svn, git, Jira, Bamboo
  • Attentiveness, punctuality, collaborative spirit
  • Ability to self-organize during remote work sessions, planning the tasks
  • Drive to have high quality software and work efficiency
  • Analytical mindset, responsibility

Working conditions :

  • Remote working sessions with dev. environment at cloud servers,
  • Free selection of working intervals at own convenience
  • Keeping working time ~ 40 hours/week on average or ~ 160 hours/month.
  • Throughout the working time to be available in the chat.
  • Place of residence and citizenship does not matter
  • Working languages: English + Russian or German + Russian for communications and preparing the documentation

Responsibilities :

  • Development of AI/ML components in a large, distributed processing system linked to many IoT
  • Refactoring, optimization and updating of existing system modules in C ++ & Python
  • Writing unit tests for already existing code and newly written functions.
  • Close interaction with software developers


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