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  4. Работа Бухгалтер (Accountant) в Киеве
  5. Бухгалтер (Accountant)
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Бухгалтер (Accountant)

50 000 грн.
 19 марта 2024  Киев 
Компания: SAFEMed   ( (Все вакансии)
Рубрики:Бухгалтерия, финансы, учет/аудит


Контактное лицо:Ліна
Адрес:Київ, Володимирська 52/17

Пожелания к сотруднику

Образование:полное высшее
Опыт работы:от двух лет
График работы:полный рабочий день

Описание вакансии

The international non-profit organization Management Sciences for Health (MSH) implementing in Ukraine the USAID-supported Safe, Affordable and Effective Medicines for Ukrainians Activity (SAFEMed), is looking for an Accountant.


The Accountant oversees the overall accounting and payroll administration duties of the office in the Ukraine under Senior Accountant supervision. He/she is responsible for ensuring the smooth operation of technical efforts and field activities by providing accounting services, payments and other bank operations, payroll administration to facilitate the implementation of the MSH Ukraine Projects’ activities. The Accountant ensures that accounting, personnel, and payroll administration systems are conducted according to MSH regulations, standard operating procedures and good business practices.

The Accountant safeguards the assets (financial and physical) of MSH or other donors against fraud, loss or misuse. He or she ensures that any money expended in the field is done in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, MSH Policy, and any cost principles imposed by MSH or a donor agency. He or she must demonstrate the ability to use sound business judgment in assuring that all costs are reasonable and necessary for the completion of the office projects and MSH’s mission.

LOCATION: Kyiv, Ukraine


1. Accounting:

  • Manage cash flow, including funds transfers from MSH Arlington, VA or Medford, MA, local currency exchange, and petty cash, as per MSH policies and procedures.
  • Oversee the issuance and collection of project advances, reconciling advance accounts each month.
  • Follow up on outstanding advances which have not been liquidated in the timeframe prescribed by the SOP and local office policy and resolve any queries through dialogue with individual employees and their supervisors.
  • Reconcile bank accounts in collaboration with corporate Accounting, as part of a month-end close process.
  • Record financial transactions into the approved MSH Field Expense Accounting System, QuickBooks or QuickBooks On-line (QBO); submit each month’s expenses by the 5th business day each month and upload the expenses into MSH’s Corporate Accounting System, Navigator. Ensure on-time, accurate data entry, completing the journal entries for non-routine expenses as necessary.
  • Liaise with the Finance and Administration Manager to conduct the final review of vouchers and vendor invoices to ensure the maintenance of thorough financial documentation on all field transactions.
  • Ensure that all paid invoices agree with supporting documentation, including price quotes, purchase requests, purchase orders, EPLS and ATTUS checks and shipping receipts, as per MSH procedures for procurement.
  • With support from MSH/HQ and as part of regular voucher analyses, aid in enforcing existing written policies on internal control systems for procurements, inventory maintenance (conducting physical inventory checks as necessary) and asset use which will ensure compliance with MSH policies and standards.
  • Maintain current standing with all mandated tax liabilities and organization registrations.
  • Prepare VAT report and submit to the tax authority each month.
  • Record in QuickBooks/ QBO of all approved payments for local vendors, contractors and consultants for goods and services received, in accordance with the laws and regulations of Ukraine, MSH standard operating procedures and USAID regulations.
  • Maintain communication with the HQ support teams (Corporate Accounting), project management and other relevant staff, provide guidance and support to MSH Ukraine staff on financial and accounting issues and regulations.

2. Payroll process and other tasks

  • Provide cashier functions and maintain office inventory  as follows: intake petty cash funds; count out petty cash to local staff based on receipts authorized in accordance with policies and procedures, record the amount counted out, and do cash reconciliations; maintain inventories and controls over project office fixed assets, such as furnishing and computer equipment
  • Manage timesheets for office staff ensuring timely submission, approval, accuracy and filing, as per MSH procedures for recording of time worked.
  • Review and prepare as necessary country activity travel advances and process travel claims (TEFs) and work with country program staff to resolve accounting related issues, as per MSH policy and procedures for request for advances and reimbursement (TEF) procedures.
  • Work with the contracted local accounting firm to process and record local payroll, taxes and pension contributions and benefits and local auditing firm to conduct audit.
  • Administer local benefits plans, including pension and health insurance; track staff vacation and sick leave balances.
  • Management of Consultants: Ensuring that Consultants’ documentations are verified prior, during engagement, and effectively closing out consultancy after the contractual period. S/he will follow up with consultants to ensure correct documentation prior to payment. Managing Consultant's trackers and making sure information is updated.



  • Bachelor’s degree in finance, accounting, business management, or relevant field.


  • At least two (2) years of experience in an independent accounting position with advanced bookkeeping responsibilities.


  • Experience working with international organizations, such as USAID is preferred.
  • Computer skills including proficiency in Microsoft Office applications (Excel spreadsheets, word processing, and electronic mail along with data entry experience).
  • Experience preparing and monitoring budgets.
  • Experience developing and interpreting standard financial reports
  • (Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flow) and creation of Journal entries required.
  • Fluency in Ukrainian and strong Intermediate knowledge of English including reading, writing and speaking skills.
  • Excellent teamwork and communication skills.


  • Official employment due to Ukrainian Labour law and competitive remuneration;
  • Medical Insurance;
  • Office in the city center with a shelter;
  • Hybrid work (combining office-based and home-based working days);
  • International work environment and opportunities for professional development;
  • Wellbeing support programs for employees.

Please send your applications via the following link: 


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