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  2. Вакансии
  3. Вакансии в Киеве
  4. Работа Client Services Director, Account Manager в Киеве
  5. Client Services Director, Account Manager
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Client Services Director, Account Manager

30 000 грн.
  3 февраля  Киев 
Компания: Fire Falls Insurance Services LLC  ( (Все вакансии)
Рубрики:Офисный персонал; Людям с ограниченными возможностями; Работа за рубежом


Телефон: +1(562)754-6675
Контактное лицо:James Bender
Адрес:Київ, 1110 N Virgil Ave #91946 Los Angeles CA 90029

Пожелания к сотруднику

Образование:не имеет значения
Опыт работы:не требуется
График работы:полный рабочий день

Описание вакансии


The Insurance Account Manager/Client Service Representative is responsible for managing a portfolio of insurance clients, ensuring their needs are met, and supporting the ongoing operations of their accounts. We are a commercial insurance brokerage servicing clients from small to large businesses in the US. This role involves creating insurance proposals, preparing supporting documentation, maintaining client files, and tracking policy renewals and other key operational tasks. This is a remote job with a generous salary. Paid training and health insurance after 3 months probationary period.

Essential Duties and Responsibilities:

Proposal Development:

    • Prepare comprehensive insurance proposals for new and existing clients.

Client Management:

  • Build  and maintain strong relationships with clients, providing excellent customer service and addressing their inquiries promptly via email
  • Maintain accurate and up-to-date client files, ensuring all documentation is organized and readily accessible in Microsoft One Drive, One Note, Adobe Acrobat.
  • Proactively identify client needs and recommend appropriate insurance solutions from email requests.

Operational Support:

  • Track policy renewals, endorsements, and cancellations, ensuring timely processing and communication

Other :

  • Collaborate with management to ensure smooth process & workflow notation of new & ongoing client requests & requirements.
  • Participate in training and development activities to stay abreast of industry agency changes and best practices.
  • Perform other duties as assigned on daily action menu including end of day summary of work performed.


  • English speaking: Mastery of written & verbal communication skills in English, no exceptions.


  • No insurance experience required
  • Paid training provided


    • Proficiency in the following programs (or equivalent software): Adobe Acrobat, Word, Excel, One Drive, Microsoft Teams
    • Strong attention to detail & work assigned.
    • Ability to understand & memorize complex insurance concepts.
    • Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, Teams) and other relevant software.
    • Strong organizational and time management skills, with the ability to prioritize tasks and meet deadlines.
    • Detail-oriented and accurate, with a commitment to providing high-quality reports & client document submissions.
    • Ability to work independently and as part of a team.
    • Processing of Contracts: prepare, organize, review, and submit client contracts/payment. Coordinates work with owner to ensure timely and complete handling of contractual requirements & submission deadlines.


    • Needs desktop or laptop
    • Having a 2nd screen for efficient workflow. Not required, but helpful.
    • Needs reliable internet

Shift & Schedule:

  • Fire Falls Insurance Service works with clients in the Pacific Time Zone, MF 10AM-6PM; in GMT+2, Kyiv, this means we need support Tuesday-Saturday 8PM-4AM. There is some room for flexibility, & there is potential for overtime after 40 hours per week.
  • Probationary period: 3 months, after which Fire Falls will provide health insurance.


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